Chapter 1

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Emily's POV

Criminal: A person who has committed a crime.

Love: a word with no proper definition whatsoever.

However a feeling that can drive you to crazy things for your partner.

A feeling that consumes you completely in the presence and absence of a person.

A feeling that allows you to think about someone else all day long.

A feeling that makes every fibre in your body feel alive.

A feeling that will crush you if you fall too deep.

Until a couple years ago, I was nothing but an ordinary girl. Geeky IT girl who had her heart broken over and over again, and had been manipulated and used more times than I could count. I was a cliché girl who was saving her innocence for her knight in shining armor.

Yet here I was, years later: a renegade, on the run with a criminal. The criminal who swept me off my feet, the one that had me doing crazy things for him. A criminal who made me see the worst days of my life, yet also gave me the best days. A man who presence ignites a thrill inside my bones automatically.

No matter the amount of crimes that were buried within him or the amount of bad had done, I still stayed with him.

Maybe the right path for me was the wrong one.

Functional relationship: a word that was non-existent for us. That didn't stop us from being together, despite the roller coaster we had been through.

Leaving my family, friends and life behind was not easy, yet it didn't seem as hard when I had something worth being anchored down to. The day I had decided following Logan was my path, I had lost that side of me, the weak innocent IT girl, and in her place now stood someone completely different, someone unrecognizable.

It took me a while to get used to my new lifestyle. Moving from city to city, experiencing new hotels and motels every other day, but most of all, being away from the people I most cared about.

From New York to Illinois to Oklahoma, our journey had taken various turn in every different angle possible, giving us the hardest challenges to face.

It had been six months since our journey on the run had begun, and month after month, we had found ourselves coming to a new beginning. The rest of the crew had gone their own ways, none of us knowing where the other was.

My eyes fixed on the sleeping figure next to me, my hand latching onto Logan's hair, trailing my fingers through the soft touch of it. His eyes slowly opened, catching mine instantly with a tug of a smile forming on his lips.

"Good Morning princess" he said in his husky morning voice.

"Morning. How did you sleep?"

"After last night, absolutely well" he commented, making me blush. His eyes landed on the clock next to me, his body lifting off the bed after reading the time.

"Get dressed, we've gotta hit the road. Time to go to Kansas" he lifted himself off the bed, the sheets falling off exposing his naked glory as he walked into the bathroom of the little studio.

Every time we moved place, we would each find a job with a contract for a maximum of two months, a small studio apartment, and within two months, we would disappear. Today was out last day in Oklahoma, and the end to the previous chapter of our life.

I groaned into the pillow, my mind physically exhausted of having to settle into a new atmosphere every now and then.

It wasn't long before I had emerged from the bathroom dressed in a casual pair of jeans and a white t-shirt, carrying my bad with everything I owned and walked outside the apartment towards the car where Logan awaited me.

He sat in the driver's seat, his shades on his eyes and his hands on the steering wheel as I dumped my bag into the backseat and slipped into the passenger seat next to him. His hooded eyes met mine for a minute

"Ready?" he questioned. I looked away, nodding.



Sorry for the short chapter but the first two chapter will be a little short and boring as it is only the introduction to the new book and a recap of the last one so please bear with me. From the third chapter the story will begin to develop and it will definitely have more action and thrill than Choosing Wrong so keep reading! Chapter thoughts?? Future predictions?? Comment below and let me know what you think!! If anyone wants a proper recap of Choosing Wrong let me know!

Picture of Emily to the side--->





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