Chapter 29

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Emily's POV

This was it.

This was goodbye.

My eyes teared up as I looked through the window, watching my mother as she held onto my father's hand for dear life.

Behind her stood Joseph, whose hand was firmly on her shoulder for support.

Similarly, a hand fell on my own shoulder, causing me to look next to me to meet gazes with my sister.

We shared a sympathetic smile before we proceeded to enter the room together.

Their eyes turned towards us, lighting up instantly.

"Mis niñas" (Translation: My girls) my mother spoke, getting off her seat to come and embrace us.

We held onto her for dear life, knowing this was going to be goodbye for a long time, but we would come back eventually, because this was our family, and family was forever.

My mother looked at the both of us with tears in her eyes, but she held it together like the brave woman she was.

"This isn't goodbye mother, it's farewell" I said to her as I took her towards the sofa, seating her down.

"I know my girls, you will always come back to your mama, where else are you going to get that great paella from?" my mother joked lighting up the mood slightly.

"Speaking of which, does anyone know that me and Larissa...?"

"Of course not!" my mother exclaimed "I mean, your tía Patricia but that's because she's my sister and I can't hide anything from her" she then said. My sister and I shared a glance before nodding at my mother.

"Abuela doesn't know does she?" Larissa asked, to which my mother shook her head.

"If I told your grandmother that you left with criminals, she would kill me" my mother replied with a slight chuckle. "Now then" my mother said looking at me expectantly "¿Donde esta ese anillo?" (Translation: Where is that ring?) she asked, causing the largest smile and blush to take over my face as I flashed out the ring for my family to admire. "Ay dios mio, que bonito" (Translation: Oh my god, how beautiful) my mother gasped, holding on to my hand. From the other side, Joseph walked over to look at the ring.

He stood silent as my mother and sister chatted away, he looked disturbed. Excusing myself, I got up, walking towards my brother.

"Don't worry, I've already told him that if he hurts you I'll kill him, even if he did save my life and is stronger than me" he said, his eyes not quite meeting mine.

"I know you will Jo" I replied, holding onto his arm, but his eyes refused to meet mine. "Jo, what is it?" I questioned trying to get him to open up.

"Nothing" he said, standing still in his spot. I shot him an expression I knew he saw despite not matching my eyes, and so in the next minute of silence he finally huffed and turned to me. "I don't want you to leave" he moaned, pulling me into a hug.

"Aww, Jo, you'll be alright. Besides, mama needs someone here to take care of her" I commented, parting ways with my brother, watching him nod in understanding.

I then grabbed his hand with a smile and returned to my mother where my sister and I began the process of saying farewell.

Once again we were pulled into a hug by our mother, and this time, none of us spoke.

When we parted, she placed her hands on each of our cheeks and looked into our eyes as she spoke

"Os quiero mis niñas" (Translation: I love you my girls) she uttered, shooting us her wonderful smile. We smiled back at her, nodding in at her statement to share the mutual feeling.

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