Chapter 16

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Emily's POV

"Alright uglies, are we all ready to enter this goddamn place and get this over with already?" Tom turned towards us, his eyes communicating with ours to assure himself. We all nodded in unison, following Tom as he walked inside the Jail where Logan was kept.

This was it, another period of my life running from the police, but it would be worth it.

Tom walked inside the first his sedative gun gripped tightly to his hand.

Luckily, the entire place was quiet, and there was only one officer by the desk, making the job easier for us.

Tom advanced towards the officer's desk, speaking to him before discreetly pulling his gun out and shooting him right by the neck with the sedative. Something that could have easily caught the eye of the security cameras back at the head office.

Jordan didn't waste a minute before she ran behind the officer's desk, taking his seat to ensure the security cameras were properly manipulated.

Tom, Larissa and I headed towards the elevator, heading towards where we knew Logan was.

However there was a slight turn of events.

The elevator stopped right in the middle of the 3rd floor, 5 floors before the last one.

"Why did it stop?"

"SHIT!" a voice erupted through my earpiece, a voice belonging to Jordan. "Guys, the security cameras have been manipulated, but the police knows we are on to them, you have exactly 15 mintues before they arrive, and I can't get through the firewall they've put up which means you're going to have to get out of the that elevator and manually get up to the last floor" she replied, my heart beat speeding up drastically.

"You had one job for fuck's sake! You guys are absolutely useless-"

"SHUT UP!" I yelled at a cursing Tom, my impatience taking the best of me.

"This is not the best time to start cursing, we have a job to and exactly 15 minutes, so I suggest we start trying to get the fuck out of here WITH LOGAN before the cops arrive and arrest all of us." With that, I reached for the doors, pulling them with all my to get them to open. A second of staring later, both Larissa and Tom joined me, making it easier for the door to open.

Unfortunately, we were in the middle of two floors, making it even harder to climb out of the elevator.

Tom made the first move, grabbing onto the floor of the ground above us, and on the count of three jumping up.

His physical strength had clearly allowed him to get up there, but his head barely made it, worrying both Larissa and I as we looked back at him. Larissa and I looked at each other in worry before Tom's voice broke us up.

"Well, come on, don't just stare at each other!" he yelled, making me snap out of my state.

I reached my tiny arms up, grabbing onto Tom's extended one and slightly pushed myself forward, until Tom was able to pull me up onto the floor.

I released a breath of relief, placing a hand on my heart to console myself. Turning my attention back towards the situation, my eyes landed on Larissa, giving her a nod of encouragement so she could hold on to Tom's arms to pull her up. Her shaky arms reached up, holding on to Tom's.

"I don't know if I can do this" She then said.

"Lar, don't think about, just push yourself up slightly, Tom will pull you up"

"Em, I can't-"

"For fuck's sake Larissa, you either push yourself up or get caught by the cops and never see Jack again" I replied harshly, putting enough venom in my voice to have Larissa automatically put some force in her legs and have Tom pull her up.

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