Chapter 15

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Emily's POV

It seemed too easy.

Yet it was so complicated.

To the outside world it looked like any other ordinary gang of criminals going at it like they always do.

In reality, that was not the case.

No one knew how it all began. No one knew the real truth behind all the events that we had all been through. No one knew what we had gained what we had lost.

People didn't know the story behind the pages of any newspaper, or the voices behind any news channel.

The kidnapping, the illegal crimes, the parties, the violence, the hunt, the escaping, the searching, the saving. No one knew half the ups and downs we had been through.

If it were a crime to make mistakes, we would all be in jail. If we commit one crime too many, the whole perspective of the subject changes.

Logan had made one too many mistakes. Mistakes he couldn't take back yet he was trying to redeem. His crimes would never be forgotten or forgiven, but perhaps a second chance could make up for all the bad in his life. Perhaps his crimes could be his chance to have redeemed his past.

I moved past my train of thought, walking through the doors of the building in front of me, right up to the 3rd floor, approaching door 301.

I lift up my reluctant hand, knocking on the door softly. Not a second later, the door was opened by none other than Grace Miller. The woman who brought Logan Miller into the world, the woman who gave him a chance to live, despite his cruel past. Her eyes met mine, holding nothing but concern.

To say the least that I most certainly did not expect her to pull me into a tight embrace. My hands stayed limp by my sides for the first two seconds before I arrived at my senses and elevated my hands, hugging her to me.

"I did not raise him to become a criminal" she said into my embrace. I moved out of her hug, shutting the door behind us and leading us towards her bed where we both sat down.

"He's not what the media portrays him to be Grace"

"He's a criminal Emily-"

"I love him Grace" she stopped for a whole minute, staring deep into my eyes.

"I loved him too at the time. At least I thought I did, but he deceived me. Made my and my son's life a living hell. I don't blame Logan for the way he is, it is my fault afterall-"

"Grace, don't you get it? I know exactly who your son is. If he were the ruthless criminal the media claims him to be then I wouldn't be in love with him. Believe me, he's a good man who did a bit too much wrong in this world. Wrongs he is trying to right this very moment." She paused, looking unconvinced.

"What if he ever hurts you-"

"Never!" I denied instantly "He loves me Grace. I know you're scared, but believe me, he is still the same man who loves his mother and killed the man who made his life a living hell. He is still your son Grace, and he loves you, just like he loves me. Of course he loves you a lot more though" I chuckled, trying to lighten up the mood. Grace didn't laugh though, her face remained neutral as she looked at the wall behind me with great intensity.

"Tell me how it happened" she suddenly said, her eyes meeting mine.

"Where do I start?"

"The beginning" I sighed, my mind wandering into a flashback of my past. Since the very first day I had broken up with Deklan. However perhaps Logan's story was more important than mine at this particular moment.

"After you were taken away, Logan was left to die on the streets. If it wasn't for his mafia father, he would be dead." Her eyes averted from mine, yet I continued. "He was brought up by his mafia father, so it's only natural he became the way it is, I mean he was surrounded by nothing but that since the day he was born, can you blame him?" she didn't utter a word, and I took that as a sign to carry on "As he grew older, his inner anger increased, and he raged, he wanted to save you so badly, and eventually, he did. That day you were brought to the rehab center you didn't remember anything, so Logan decided to leave, thinking it was best for him to stay away from you since he was a criminal. He just wanted to keep you safe.

After that he came back everyday just to check on you, but the door as far as he would get, every time he would come, look at you and then leave, that was, until I decided to change that, turns out, you did remember him.

You might not have noticed but he changed Grace, the amount of emotion that went through him the minute he got to hug you was enough to change every fibre in him.

I know it looks wrong by the way he's portrayed in the media, but they don't know what the real Logan Miller is like. Yes, he has commited crimes no one can take back and he probably should be punished for them. But I think he already has been, his past and present is enough punishment.

Your son has, is and always will love you more than anything in this world, and has most definitely changed for the best, that I can assure you of." I finished, watching a few stray tears escape her eyes as she looked back at me.

"How did your story begin?" she asked me after she wiped the tears away.

I chuckled, thinking about the past. It seemed to serious at the time, but now it all just seemed stupid.

I decided to get comfortable in front of her and hold her hands as I recited out story to her.

From the very day I saw him in the elevator till the days he kidnapped me, took me to the Wells Ball, or saved me continuously from everything that came in my way, and after every memory, my heart clenched at the absence of the man I loved. But I knew one thing, that I would get him back one way or another. Tomorrow.


Sorry for such a late and short update but I have recently had to focus on a new book I have published so do check it out! I know it's kind of a crappy chapter but the next chapter is Logan's escape so stay tuned! Chapter thoughts?? Thougts on Grace? Future prediction?? Comment below and let me know what you think! Also, a very Happy New Year to all my readers! I hope you all have a wonderful year ahead!!

Picture of Grace to the side--->





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