Chapter 17

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Emily's POV

Dropping the moist towel into the hot water, I allowed it to soak up the heat before squeezing the water out and pressing it back on Logan's forehead.

I then proceeded to squeeze the medicinal cream out of its tube and apply it to his wounds. I felt him squirm slightly, but he didn't protest. Not that he could since he had been passed out since the minute we had brought him back.

My heart clenched at this sight of him.

The world had finally achieved what they wanted: a weak and broken Logan Miller, a destroyed criminal.

They just missed out on the fact that despite everything, he had people with him, he wasn't alone.

I felt a few tears drop from my eyes onto his unconscious skin, making me shut my eyes closed tightly, stopping myself from falling into a full sob. It was pointless to cry, everything that had to be done was done.

Logan was back in my arms, and he was alive, there was no reason for me to cry, except for the fact that perhaps if I would have gotten there sooner we could have prevented him from getting hurt the way he is.

"He's a bastard and I hate him, but he sure as hell is tough enough to get through this" I heard a voice, shaking me out of my state.

My eyes opened, connecting with Tom's who was leaning against the door frame, observing me with Logan. For the first time in the few days I knew Tom, he seemed sincere, there was a glint in his eyes that read...regret? Guilt?

"Why did you help us Tom?" I questioned, my curiosity getting the better of me. He chuckled, his posture changing slightly as he dropped his hands and inserted one of his hands into his pocket.

"He owes me now" he replied, the lie evident in his eyes. I scoffed, looking away from him.

"We both know that's not the truthful answer to my question Tom, I just don't see any point in hiding the answer anymore. You know, I've heard a lot of shit about you from him, yet you turned out to be the exact opposite of his words, why?" I questioned, my eyes met his for a brief second before my hands resumed the cleaning of wounds on Logan's blemished body.

There was a long pause of silence, before he replied.

"Look, I just came to say goodbye. The job's done, and I can't stay here forever, I have other things to do." He coldly replied before exiting from the room, taking me completely by surprise.

I dropped the piece of cotton in my hand on the bedside table, making my way hurriedly outside to get a hold of him before he could escape.

Tom had his bag in his hands behind his shoulder, his blazer in his other hand as he walked towards the door.

"What are you so afraid of?" I questioned, making him pause his steps, he didn't turn back around however, his back still facing me.

Another wave of silence conquered the atmosphere, before without another word and unanswered questioned, he resumed his footsteps, making his way out the door, leaving me absolutely confused.

What was the story behind Tom Fury?

I let out a humorless chuckle before making my way back into the room Logan was in. Seating myself on the small chair next to the bed, I enveloped Logan's pale hand in between my own, keeping it close to my heart. With that, I kept my eyes focused on his, feeling a desperate need to watch them flutter open.

It was at that very moment it all become crystal clear. I was in love with Logan Miller.

I know that is something that was obvious.

But it wasn't though.

Do you ever just get that feeling when you're out of breath and you feel your lungs fail you and you slowly find yourself slipping into darkness?

That was the only thing I could feel in the past few days.

But it wasn't my lungs that were failing me, it was Logan.

It was if his lungs were the one capable of keeping me alive. Some people would classify this as obsession, but it wasn't, because if I would have to give up my life to save Logan's, I wouldn't. I wouldn't because I know that if I died, part of Logan would die too, and if he died, some part of me would die with him.

No this wasn't obsession, it was bigger.

It was bigger, and something I considered the most dangerous thing I had ever come across.

Something deadly.

"Em?" I heard from beside me, pulling me out of my stationary state, my eyes falling on Larissa's soft ones.

"Yeah" I mumbled, my hands still holding onto his.

"You do know we have to leave as soon as possible. The cops are looking for him" she almost whispered, making me nod slowly. With that, she was back on her feet, leaving me back alone in the room.

My eyes fell back on him, watching his chest heave up and down with his steady breathing.

"Please wake up"



I felt a soft touch on my hair, a comforting hand laying themselves on my sensitive head. The voice was alluring, pulling me out of a sleepy state.

My eyes opened, slowly adjusting to the light in front of me, my head lifting itself from the mattress.

Instantly, my head averted to meet the soul pulling eyes of Logan.

My hands had unconsciously made their way towards his face, cupping his cheeks gently.

"Welcome back" I managed to whisper before he embraced me into a hug. I buried my face into his neck, my eyes shutting as I felt myself welcome the familiar heat of his body.

"I love you" he whispered on my back, making me part from him and bore into his alluring eyes.

"I love you too" I whispered, out heads leaning against each other. His hands pulled my head up, attaching his lips to mine, kissing me with certain desperation, as if I were to disappear in the next minute.

I kissed back equally fiercely, feeling the dangerous desperation cover my entire being.

I needed him, more than I ever thought I would. 

I no longer felt like I was missing a part of me, because I had it all right here with me.


He's back! What will happen next?? The cops are still looking for him?? Will he get caught? Thoughts on Tom?? Chapter thoughts?? Future predictions?? Comment below and let me know what you think!

Picture of Emily to the side--->





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