Chapter 13

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"Which one of you is the computer freak here?" Everyone fell silent, and three hands rose in the air.

Jordan, Adam and I looked between each other, causing Adam to scoff.

"Oh, please. I'm an OG, you guys were new. It only make sense that I-"

"Adam, remember that time I saved you guys from being exposed?"

"Let's not forget the fact that I was the one to figure all of you out without a shred of detail from any of you" Jordan interrupted.

"Babe, I thought you were on my side?" Adam snapped, pouting like a little kid.

"Sorry babe, but it's every man for himself here"

"That is-"

"Will you all shut the fuck up?" Tom said, cutting our argument off. "Alright, Barbie, you're not wanted by the FBI, you will not be in charge of the hacking bit, Barbie's best friend and boyfriend, you will be in charge of hacking into and controlling the Chicago Police surveillance. Barbie, you and your sister will be accompanied by me and sister's boyfriend inside the Jail. I understand that sister's boyfriend is also wanted by the FBI so you will only drive us there. Barbie, you and your sister will go in as those pathetic jail cleaning ladies, and I will be your handler. You get into the jail, with computer freaks help you will locate Logan and look for every way possible in which you are going to pull him out of there, got it?" He completed, unintentionally impressing me. He really had this all figured out, or perhaps he had just this one too many times in his past life.

"How are you sure this plan will work and they will let us get inside the jail at all?" I asked. He scoffed nonchalantly.

"Please Barbie, I'm going in there with you, no one is going to stop you from being a pathetic cleaning lady. Now, stop bickering with me and here put these hideous things on." He replied, throwing Larissa and I a transparent packet with blue clothes in it. Larissa and I looked at each other questioningly, but didn't object at his plan. I was ready to do whatever it took to save Logan. "Oh, and plaster these fake tattoos near your arm so you look even more pathetic." He mentioned, handing us each a long string of paper with random tattoos on that could be applied with water. Shooing us off, we all parted in different directions to get the plan ready.

This was it.


"Alright, here, chew gum, loudly. Let's do this" Tom commanded as he gave us the chewing gum and exited the vehicle. Larissa pecked Jack before following behind, the action driving me crazier by the minute. Living without Logan was not something I could do. How is one supposed to live without the only reason they live for?

I cleared my thoughts, entering the doors of the Chicago Jail, queuing behind Tom as he approached the front desk.

Lar and I stood back as he talked to the policeman by the desk, whispering to him so we couldn't hear. Soon after, the police asked for our ID's, causing Tom to pull out our fake identities and pass them over to the check with the database. Of course our fake lives had been implemented into the databases thanks to our computer freaks which made it easier for the policeman to hand back our ID's and allow us inside the premises with the corresponding keys.

Tom led us inside, towards the elevator, and as soon as the doors shut, we all fished out our ear pieces and cameras, allowing Adam and Jordan to guide us towards Logan.

"Adam? Jordan?"

"We're here, we can see you."They replied. "Alright, head towards the last floor." They commanded.

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