Chapter 12

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Logan's POV

I was born to minor mother and an abusive, rapist father.

I think it's pretty much crystal clear that I didn't have the best of childhoods.

Whilst ordinary kids played with their new, shiny toys and learnt how to ride bicycles with their father's, I spent my time in a dark room, watching helplessly as my father whipped and tortured my mother. The woman who fell into his trap to save her family and paid for something she didn't even do.

At first, my mother was the only one bearing the beatings, but it wasn't long before I was pushed into pursuing the same fate my mother did.

At that age, I didn't know how people lived outside the walls that surrounded me for years, it had come to my belief that that was the way in which life worked.

Husbands would torture their wives and soon their children, and one day I would have to do the same with my own family.

Of course, that was the naïve thinking of a 12 year old, until I was heavily stabbed in the back by my own father for attempting to save my mother, a job in which I clearly failed, and left for dead in middle of the street as my father ran away with my mother as his hostage.

It was then, that God or whatever you believe in, decided to give me a second chance at life; a life as a criminal.

Dino O'Hara, the one and only criminal king at the time, was the one who found me lying almost dead on the streets and took me with him, rescued me.

He fed me, clothed me, sheltered me, and made the person I soon became. Not the Logan Miller whose wails were about the only audible thing in a dark room aside from my mother's whippings, but the real Logan Miller, a man filled with power, strength, strategy, and rage. A man thirsty for blood and a hungry for revenge.

As my mind adjusted to how the real world worked, I realised that I was wrong about my previous views on life. My father was wrong. Everything about him was wrong, and I despised him for everything he made me and my mother go through.

It wasn't long before I was capable of hunting the man down and bring him to his fatal end. Of course, that was after encountering the scene where my mother lied unconscious and completely naked and bloody on the ground. Her once unblemished skin covered in dirt that infected every wound on her. But that wasn't the worst part, what was worse was the fact that she had lost her memory.

I thought that I had already experienced the most painful things in life, but boy was I wrong. When your own, poor, innocent mother can't recognize her own son because of the wicked father, that was the first time I ever felt real pain.

Of course the memory loss was only temporary, but that was something I found out years after I finally saved her life. It was also something I also found out because of the woman I loved most in this world right now. Emily.

I had it all, the looks, the ladies, the money. But everything was not enough. In fact, everything seemed like nothing to me the minute my eyes fell upon Emily. Cliché right? But then again, what was love without a little cliché?

You might be wondering, why have I finally decided to spill my story. Why at this point of my story, at a time where I was stuck between the iron bars of hell, a place also known as prison?

Well the answer was simple.

Because I realised.

I realised that it was not justified to murder, harm, or commit illegal acts throughout my life just because of my past or the way that I was brought up in.

I realised that I was no different to my father; a man who tortured and took lives for no reason; a man who chose the path of a criminal for no absolute reason except for rage.

But that wasn't enough.

I also realised that without the life I had lived, I would have been nothing.

I wouldn't have met Austin, Jack or Adam.

Or Emily.

What was I supposed to think? Was I supposed to be content about my decisions in life or disappointed?

The answer to that would always be unknown to me, but if there was one thing I was sure of in life it was that once you step in, there's no going back.


I'm terribly sorry for the short and late update but I've been loaded these days! Initially I had planned on writing a scene describing Logan's situation in jail, but then I realised that this was probably all Logan was doing inside jail: thinking and recapping. Next chapter will be longer and much better! Chapter thoughts?? Future predictions?? Comment below and let me know what you think!

Picture of Logan to the side--->





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