Chapter 3

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Emily's POV

Bringg! Bringg! Bringg!

I looked at my bedside table. The time read 3.04am. Who was calling me at this time? Picking up my phone, I examined the number on it.

The words read Private Number. I frowned, fear taking over for a spike of a second before I shook it off. I looked behind me, noticing Logan sound asleep behind me, his soft snores escaping his mouth. Accepting the call, I pressed the phone against my ear.

"Hello?" There was a pause on the line before the other person responded.

"Emily?" It was a voice I knew too well. My heartbeat sped up, my emotions taking over completely.

"Larissa?" I whispered, hearing my sister's voice after six months had made tears well up in my eyes instantly.

"Oh god it's so good to hear your voice" she commenced, making me chuckle, a small tear escaping my eyes. "How have you been?" I looked behind me, making sure Logan was still asleep as I slipped out of the bed, walking out the balcony of the room.

"I'm great. What about you?" I replied as I grabbed my robe from the door and put it around me, stepping on the cold floor leading towards the views of the suburbs of Tennessee.

"I'm good too. I miss you so much." I had no doubt that she was tearing up too.

"I know, so do I" I chuckled, another few tears leaking down my face.

"Who knew living life with criminal boyfriends was going to be so hard ha?" she joked making me chuckle again, my laughs slowly turning into sobs that I tried my hardest to cover.

"How did you get my number Larissa?" I questioned, wanting to finally reveal the reason behind the call. Six months ago, we had promised ourselves that we wouldn't contact each other for safety reasons, hence the curiosity about the call. "I thought-"

"I know, we promised not to call each other. I know, but something happened Em. I have been keeping in touch with Joseph for the past three weeks, just to make sure everyone back home was alright. Mom and Dad obviously lost their minds when they find out that we had gone rogue, and after watching the news they realised that we had escaped with the guys. Mom lost it the first three months, she couldn't eat or sleep, or function. Tía Patricia and Dad kept her sane, then she sobered up a little. Everything back home had finally started to shape up a little again until Joseph called me a few hours ago. He said-" she paused, a sudden sob escaping her

"He said what Larissa?"

"E-emily" she stuttered "D-dad. He had a heart attack" she cried. My eyes widened, I froze.

"W-what? Is he alright?" I asked with a tone of desperation

"I don't know Em, but we can't just stay here, we gotta go back" she suggested.

"I know, but how? We can't just go back to Chi-"

"We have to! We can't just sit back and do nothing Em. We have to go back, I'm not ready to lose Dad Em." She begged, making me break down into a fountain of tears.

"You're right, and we will Larissa. We have to go back"


"Logan, I have to go back! My father is dying! I can't just stay here!" Logan turned around his hand on his head as he contemplated what to do. I knew what he was thinking, that I would leave him, but I wouldn't. "Logan" I called him unsuccessfully, his back continued facing me as I did so. I walked up to him, turning him around to face me as I put my arms around him. "I'm not leaving you. I never will alright? But I really have to go back. My father is dying and this might be the only chance I have of seeing him" I pleaded , his eyes finally looking into mine.

"I'm coming with you" he decided, looking away from me.

"What? Logan what if-"

"I don't care, I'm not letting you go alone. I'm sure Jack isn't letting Larissa go alone either. I'm coming with you, we can stay in an apartment one of my friends own, keep a low profile, but I'm coming with you" Knowing he wasn't going to give up, I nodded turning around to pack my bags.

"I guess this is goodbye Tennessee"


"Is this it?" I questioned, exiting the car, my eyes focused on the building in front of me. It was a rusty, old building, the binding of it breaking down, the color peeling off the dull bricks.

"Yeah, this is it. 1135 W Chicago Ave. I know it looks bad but-"

"No, it's alright. It doesn't matter to me. Thank you for bringing me Logan" he nodded, grabbing our bags as he led up the stairs to the third floor. He pulled out a key from his pocket, inserting it into the lock before pushing the door open.

The room was pretty simple, much like a motel room, except with a small kitchen attached to the living room.

"Its homey" I commented, walking inside with my bag on my arm. Placing it on the floor, I watched as Logan sighed loudly and mirrored my actions, dropping his bag on the floor before shutting the door.

"I'm so sorry, I should have found some other place-"

"Hey, stop it" I interrupted him. "I don't mind this at all, in fact if anything I like it. It's cosy and cute" I said in all honesty walking up to him. "I don't care about where I am as long as I am with you remember? I'm just greatful you brought me back here despite the danger we're in. This might just be the last time I see my father" Fear took over at the thought of losing my father. Tears had once again gathered at the tip of my eyes, but I bit my lip, holding them back.

"Hey, it's going to be alright okay?" Logan soothed, making me nod "Now, let's gather the crew shall we?"


They're back in Chicago!! What could possibly go wrong now? Will Emily's father survive or not??  I hope you enjoyed this chapter! A lot more to come in the next chapters!!! Chapter thoughts? Future predictions?? Comment below and let me know what you think!

Picture of Larissa to the side--->





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