New blood, New secrets!

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"Just give her the Damn Book". She looked that the snotty kids teasing a slightly older girl. She had a luscious blonde hair that slice down last her shoulders, and normal hazel colored reading glasses. She pushed a cart that read 'overdue books'.

"Hey, your name is Jacey, right"? The girl shakes her head yes.

"I'm Hayden. Aren't You helping your aunt take care of the Library"?

"Yeah. Just till school is over with. Then back to Golden, Colorado". She looked abrasive. It was obvious she was shy.

"Well, see you around". Hayden walks off, and Jacey watches her leave.


"Ok class". A older gray haired teacher, wearing thick black reading glasses, began. "Please be seated. Its to my understanding that we all had a report on 'Edgar Allen Poe' due this week. Come on, hand them in".

Students reluctantly went to his desk, and set their work on it. Just as the bell rings, many students head for the door.

"Mr. Brenner, can I ask something"? The short haired guy asked.

"If its extra work time, forget it. You had eleven days, a week and a half, to write two pages of your understanding on Poe. Not that hard".

"Look I know, Scott". He gives him a glare. "Mr. Brenner, sorry. Look its just, its been a hectic couple of weeks, and I don't know what else to do".

"How about your work. That would be a real heart-stopper wouldn't it though". He motions to the door. "Oh, and mister Fester". He pauses, and looks back to him. "may I Let you on on a secret"?

"Yeah, please".

"You might actually get places if you were to actually mean what you say". He turns back to his desk work. And the young guy walks into the hall. Met up by another guy who looked sort of like him.

"What happened, Luke"? He kept pace with him.

"Nothing, its just... He's such a asshole. All I ask is for one more day, and he makes it sound like a year".

"Don't worry. Its a daily grade, anyway. Covers like Twenty percent of your final grade". Not long after, the same girl from earlier joins the crowd.

"What's up, you guys"? She too keeps pace with them, and soon after walks by a girl, sobbing harshly.

"What's up with Terry"? Luke questions.

"You haven't heard"? A guy nearby responds. They shake their heads. "Ryon, her boyfriend, was killed last night".

"Oh my God. That's horrible". Hayden swipes some of her hair from her forehead. "Any clues on who it was"?

"They are all clueless. They are questioning all the locals, even everyone here at the school".

"They think there might be relation"?

"Apparently, there was a gruesome message written near his body. But police don't want it released".

"Message? What message". Louis, The other twin asked.

"Secrets never die. Pretty interesting if you ask me".

"I thought he was talking to Zoey"? Hayden still watched Terry, who is I'm the ground crying as a few friends hug her.

"Poor girl". The bell rings, and they had off to their next class.

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