Past comes to present.

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Nina was released from the hospital the next morning. She was released on a good check, and was even able to drive home. She got in her SUV, a newer silver Volvo, and started the engine. She buckles her seatbelt as she pulls out of the parking lot.

A while down the road, she swerved around the S-curves. This section was almost three miles of curves, and nothing but woods for miles. She swiftly rounds the corners, and as she rounds the third corner, a figure stands in the road, pickaxe by his side, and she floors it.

"You bastard"! She screams.

The figure dissolves to dust, then nothing. She looks back to see the figure was just a figment. As she looks back, a giant Brown flash slams her hood, and slides into the windshield. She quickly brakes, and the deers body slides off the hood, onto the concrete.

Smoke and exaust. Fumes dance across the roadside, and she gasps. She looks out over the hood, as the deer jerked, and shifted, dead nerves taking over.

"Shit" she took a deep breath, and slowly gets out. She goes to the front of her car, and kneels down beside the deer.

As she does this, she doesn't notice a distant figure coming up behind her. As she turns to go back to the driver seat, she saw the masked figure coming toward her.

She didn't waste no time getting back into the SUV, and struggles to start it. The figure looms closer and closer. Finally, the engine turned over, and she quickly drives off, leaving the figure to watch as she drove off.

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