One on one.

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As She entered, a young Brown haired officer greets her in.

"Welcome. Mrs Cortez, i presume"? His voice was as kind as his face was.

"That's me". She enters.

"Please have a seat". He motions to the office chairs.

"Am I in trouble"? She was already wanting to get out of there. It brought back bad memories of her and when she first met Tra.

"What is the main reason I'm here"? She was curious about why she was asked to come in.

"In the death of Mrs. Rudder, there was a note, that had your name in it. 'You did this Nina'! That was what was written on the wall".

"That Don't mean I did it". She looks at him.

"I know, but that's not the case here. Why did this killer put your name I'm the wall behind a victim"?

"How should I know. Why did he kill Mrs Rudder in the first place. Why did he kill Reece or that one teen? He's fucking nuts".

"That may be, But, still doesn't question who and why he or she is killing these people". His tone was cold, and serious.

"What do you want from me"? She looked at him. And he only gave her a cold stare.

"I don't think you are involved". She relaxed a bit. "But I think you might be a target". His tone only stays serious.

"So...what"? Her voice quivered a bit.

"I'm placing you under twenty four hour watch. I'll have one of my best detectives watching you".

"Don't you need my say so"? She asked.

"Usually. But not this time. I'm not suggesting it, I'm giving it". His face never once shifts to a smile, and his cold tone is kind of unsettling.


He waited for her, but, it had been over a hour and a half. He was about to give up, when he saw her pull in.

As she entered the cafe, She saw him sitting in the far corner, away from everyone.

"I didn't think you were coming". He smiles as she sat down.

"I'm sorry. I had to meet with a deputy at the station, and starting tomorrow, I'll be under twenty four hour watch. I'm assigned with special agent Kress. He seems nice".

"You aren't happy"? He noticed.

"No. I'm not because with all the shit that's going on now, I thought it was all over. That I could live on in peace. But who ever is doing this, they aren't letting the past go. I'm sorry about Lacy, you know that".

"Yeah I do. I was angry back then. But even so, you couldn't help".

She looks at him in curiosity. "What"?

"I think Lacy wanted to die that night. She used your guy's prank as a 'get-out'. I found a note".

Her interest was peeked. "What do you mean note"?

"After her wake, I went up to her room, to be alone. You know? Surround my self with her energy. And I saw a out of place purple note sheet sticking out of one of her top dresser doors".

"And it was a suicide note"?

His voice became shaky. "It was".

"Regardless, it doesn't excuse the fact that we were responsible".

"Nina, I don't blame you no more. Or your friends".

"Of what's left of them". She swiped some hair from her face.

"What Tra and Levi did,i have no words to express how sorry I am. I lost my daughter and wife, I left cause I couldn't bare the reality. Plus both my sons are cold blooded killers. That's why I left".

She rests her hand on his. "I don't blame you, no more than you leaving. I would have probably done the same thing".

"Thanks". He wipes the remaining tears from his eyes, and stands up. "I got to to. I have a meeting at the school with that new jerk, Mr. Campbell. He thinks everyone owes him something".

She smiles as they both get up to leave

Aren't You Glad I Can Keep A Secret; Redemption!Where stories live. Discover now