News hit home.

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When Nina woke up from her rest, She saw she was alone. There was a odds silence, and she slowly say up.

She got up, her head was throbbing, and she went upstairs, into her room. She goes into her bathroom, not noticing she left the tv on. She grabs some Aspirin from her medicine cabinet, and sipped it down with some tap water.

As she exits, the tv is set to the news, which is discussing the new murder.

"Twenty eight year old Victor Lewis, was found mudered at 'Jacks bumper to bumper service' station past Route 9. The victim was bludgeoned to death by a crow bar, and There was no forced entry. Police think the killers MO is the same as the young teen found two days ago". The reporter takes a moment to read her report. "The killer also left Another message. 'Aren't you glad I can keep a secret'? Was found written in the victims blood. We will report any additional information, once its provided to us". The news cuts to a commercial, and she turns the tv off.

She begins to silently sob, and she throws the remote to the floor, and the back flies off the remote, and flies underneath the grandfather clock. She sighs, and gets down to her hands and knees, and reaches under the clock.

As she felt around, her hand brushes against a piece of paper, and She pulls It out, and opens it.

"Ryon kept his secrets. Tell yours, or face the mask"!

She had no words. Who ever killed Ryon, had been in her house. She had to tell the others. This time it was real. Someone knew their secret, and This time, no one is safe.

Aren't You Glad I Can Keep A Secret; Redemption!Where stories live. Discover now