Troy in trouble.

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His phone vibrated, and he glanced at it. He received a new text message.

"Secrets are eternal". The message read back to him. He sighs and puts the phone down.

"Anothr jokester". He says to himself.

Another text comes through. "I'm not the joke, you are".

"Yeah whatever. Keep on about it".He laughs to himself.

"If I'm the jokester, that makes you the punchline". The text had a aggressive tone to it.

"Give it up Trenton. I'm over it". He texted back.

"I'm not". There's a slight creak upstairs, and he shrugs it off. He goes back to texting people on messenger, and doesn't see the figure pass in the doorway behind him. A floor board creeks, and turns his attention to the doorway.

"Hello"? He expected a answer. "Trenton? Nina"? His curiosity peeked. He gets up to go and investigate.

He enters the hallway, looking down both ways. He slowly makes His way up the stair case, expecting Nina or Regan to scare him. "Hello"? He repeats, his voice still shaky.

As he gets to the top, he sees his bedroom light on. He goes to see who might be in his room. As he enters, his heart begins to race.

The entire room was covered in what looked like blood it red paint, spelling out a frightfully errie message. 'aren't you glad I can keep a secret'? Written on the walks, etched in the dressers and tables with a knife or bladed object. He dashes out of the room, and as he gets to the end of the room, the figure rounds the corner, grabbing hold of him, and tossing him over the railing. The killers robe sways with the movement as he swiftly throws Troy off the top floor. Troy lands on the entryways glass table.

Glass shatters beneath him, and he tries to crawl toward the front door, as the killer ascends the stairs after him. A slow pace as Troy cries out for help. The killer grabs his leg and drags him back a bit, and rolls him into his back, so He is face to face with the giraffe mask. The figure raises the pickaxe, and with one swift slice, Troys chest is ripped open, and blood spurts out. He holds his wound, trying to stop the bleeding, and the giraffe mask, now soaked in his blood, stares down at him.

The figure slowly opens the door, and exits without a sound.

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