Mrs Weather's knows!

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She set out a 'All Points Bulletin' to keep a eye out for Parker, and to close down all the roads leading in and out of town.

She went out to her police car, a newer Dodge charger squad car, and starts the engine. She quickly pulls from the parking spot, and joined he hunt to new thought killer...

One no one saw coming...



Nina raced down the main street, and almost rammed officer weather's. She flipped the lights on, and began to. Chase Nina, but she didn't have time to stop.

Her phone rings, and she answers to a very aggravated Penny.

"Nina, pull it over before we both get killed". She demanded through the phone.

"I can't Penny. The killer has Mrs Rudder's granddaughter and her boyfriend hostage. I have to get to them"! She hangs up, and she swerves into a side street, and Penny follows close by.

Penny then get in the intercom, and tells Nina to follow her, and she does as told.

They drive through a densed mountain trail, up toward 'Owen Creek'. The paths winded, and they had to drive slowly around the mountain curves, trying to be careful, not to have the muddy trail throw them off the trail, and into the gully.

They turn on a road called "Mott" and rush down it. They are in seeing distance of the cabin, and they turn their lights off, and slow to a stop a yard it two away.

Nina gets out, and walks over to Penny. "We have to sneak in. Parker probably knows we are here".

"How do you know it's Parker"? Penny grabs the picture, and shows her. Nina's heart drops. "Oh my God".

Penny rushes toward the back, and She tells Nina to scope out the front. Nina does as told, and tries to peek through the Windows.


Penny tries the back door, only to find it locked. She then goes to the window next to it. And gets it opened enough for her to fit through.

She squeezes through, and as she stands up, she sees Jacey, Carter, Maddie, Trenton, and Mr Harris all tied up.

"Oh my God". She says, and heads a voice from behind.

"Not exactly". She looks back to see the masked figure and is knocked unconisous.

Nina finally gets inside, and stumbles on the horrific scene. Just as the figure comes in.

"Hello Nina". That voice was so familiar. She breaks down.

"It can't be"! She looks in fear as the killer removes the mask.


"You... You were dead"? She stutters.

"Was I? I was merely testing your true feeling for me".

"You were behind this... The whole time"?

"That's right. You see, Parker may be in the family picture but look closer at it".

Derek pulls it out of his pocket, and flashed it to we face. We was standing behind Lacy, Levi, and Tra.

"You're a Harris"?

"So you do get it. I mean, family is family"! But I couldn't have done it alone. She looks over to see Mr Harris, hands free.

"Hello Nina".

"So daddy dearest comes back to save the day"? Nina looks at them in disgust.

"I'd watch your tone. Wouldn't want a slip, would we"?

Trenton, hands finally free, charges at Derek, only to have the blade stab his shoulder, and he screams in pain. "Yeah! Make it easy for me!

He laughs, and looks to Nina. "Want to be a hero"?

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