Luke's basketball game.

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That night, the high school held a game for a fundraiser. Luke was I'm the basketball team, as Louis and their mom watched, cheering him on. As the game goes on, Louis excuses himself to the bathroom.

Alone in the hall, a locker slams shut in the far distance, He looks back in silence, and receives a eerie chill. Shrugging it off, he goes into the restroom.

The restroom was empty, and he went into one of the stalls, and shuts the door. As he sits, doing his business, the door opens. He isn't to worried, until boots stop at the foot of the stall he's in.

He silently reaches up, and flips the lock, which turns with a silent click.

The boots sit there for a good minute, until the stall door slowly begins to rattle. After no progress, the figure drops a piece of paper, and exits the bathroom. The entry door slams shut, leaving Louis in silence.

He quickly gets up, and redresses, opens the stall, and flips the sheet.

AREN'T YOU GLAD I CAN KEEP A SECRET'? Is written on the sheet. His blood turns cold. And quickly exits the bathroom, and as He exits, bumps into a figure.

He hollers in shock, And looks up to see a young girl looking at him in fear. "Sorry".

He quickly rushes by her, tucking the sheet into his Jean jacket pocket, and returns to the game. Unknowing he was being watched. Out of the hundreds in the assembly, someone knew their secret, and they wanted to make him and his friends pay.

Little did he know, they would.

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