Chapter 33 - Gardening & Divorce Papers

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Chapter 33

Gardening & Divorce Papers

•Ethan's POV•

Dad and my stepmom made breakfast for Zoe and I.

It was just as nice as dinner last night; eggs, bacon, sausage, fruit, juice, coffee. There was plenty for everyone, and the delicious smell filled the house from floor to ceiling.

The conversation over breakfast wasn't as hostile, and flowed a lot more freely – despite the weather or school often being the point of subject. It was awfully sunny and nice out today, and Vanessa suggested we go to the local pool.

I would've jumped straight on that wagon if it didn't risk running into old friends.

I'd spent an extra few minutes in bed after Dad called me out for breakfast, contemplating my behavior and attitude – even though I spent at least an hour the night before, after dinner, sorting through my angry thoughts. I'd decided though that giving my Dad shit was pointless, and same goes for my stepmom. It was all so petty and just felt exhausting at this point.

I couldn't help but wish Jake was here though; I could tell he would be proud of me.

We spent the rest of the morning doing a number of things. My stepmom, Vanessa, insisted she had to show us her garden in the backyard. By the look on her face and the enthusiasm she expressed, the garden was probably something she was very proud of.

I'd barely recognized the backyard when we stepped out through the back door. There was still the concrete tiles that extended about two metres from the house, but then it extended a few metres further, decorated with a lounge set, a fire pit, and a barbecue.

But it was the garden that came as quite a surprise to me – Vanessa had every reason to be proud.

Just about the rest of the backyard, save a few square metres of grass, was taken up by the garden that Vanessa had grown. It was surrounded by wooden garden panels as walls that had a holey pattern on them, only glimpsing a sneak peek at the plants, with a stone pathway running between the L-shaped garden. Plants and flowers of many colours and textures and sizes shared the space, and so did a small metal chair and table in the corner of the 'L'.

Vanessa spoke enthusiastically, only pointing out the exotic and colourful plants and flowers to save boredom from not only Zoe, but I too. However, Zoe had warmed up to Vanessa seemingly, pointing out the flowers she liked the most, asking Vanessa what they were called.

She even asked Vanessa to write down a list of Zoe's "extra special favourites" so she could plant them at home.

Although I missed the look of the bare backyard that this space use to be, with just a swing set and a slide attached, and a trampoline, I knew there was no use for that stuff here with Vanessa and my dad.

But the thought of them starting their own new family made me cringe immensely. That was something I did not wish to occur, despite my being less hostile towards them.

- - - - -

Lunch followed.

This was the most dreaded time of the entire weekend. It was the time that I personally assigned and designated as the time to confront dad and show him the forms. Obviously, he would know what they were and most likely knew beforehand that that was really why we came.

I think he was trying to avoid it just as much as I was.

I knew he was definitely trying to avoid it when he suggested we go to a bar for lunch.

We all got dressed up in fairly casual clothes and went to Vanessa's favourite bar in town. Fortunately, it was everyone's favourite bar – dad used to take us here all the time for lunch and dinner. We sat out the back of the establishment on picnic tables and ate. Both Zoe and I ordered the usual.

The conversation wasn't nearly as hostile or tense. Zoe bombarded Vanessa with plenty of questions regarding her favourite plants and flowers, including how to plant them, how much sun they needed, how big of a pot they needed.

It wouldn't surprise me if Zoe remembered just about every answer.

Dad and I talked, but it was only about school again. He asked how my grades were going, if I made any new friends – which I answered all willingly. He even asked if there were any "boys in my life". I didn't expect this question, nor was I ready for the hollow ache in my heart. I could even feel Zoe tense next to me when he asked.

I avoided the question, batting it off as nothing – I just told him "not really" while playing with my salad and avoiding eye contact.

My mind was on Jake for the short car ride back to our old house.

I couldn't help but think: what could've I done better? Was I not a good enough boyfriend to him?

It hurt, it hurt so bad.

Because, despite what had happened, he was still everything to me, and I had thought I was everything to him.

- - - - -

After we got back from lunch, Vanessa and Zoe went on a trip to the nursery. Vanessa was so passionate about her plants, and you could tell she found such delight in Zoe being interested too. So, Vanessa promised to buy her a few of her favourite plants and pots for them too.

This gave me time to finally confront dad about the divorce papers.

I paced my room for a few minutes, juggling my thoughts between dad and Jake, before I talked to dad.

He was at the dining room table, filing through sets of papers and whatever – probably taxes or something.

I took a seat opposite him. He noticed me, but he didn't look up when he asked: "how are things going?"

"Alright," I said. A total, complete lie.

I placed the divorce papers in front of me, facing him. He sighed when he looked at them.

"You and I both know why we came here this weekend," I said.

"I know," he says with a final sigh.

He didn't hesitate though when he pulled the papers towards him and flicked through, signing wherever he had to sign. I expected more of a fight, but I was glad that he didn't put up one. He slid the papers back towards me when he had finished signing.

"Thank you," I said, though I wasn't sure if it was the appropriate thing to say in this situation.

He put down his pen and ignored the rest of his papers. "You know, for whatever it's worth, I do miss her," he says to me, his arms crossed, and glasses lowered a tad.

I wasn't sure if it was worth much at all, but I said, "thank you" anyway.

- - - - -

The boot of my car was filled with Zoe and I's bags, a box filled with some books of mine, and then the backseat had a few boxes with plants and pots inside them.

Vanessa hugged both Zoe and I when we said our goodbyes, though she held onto Zoe a few seconds longer. We hugged dad too, and promised to visit again soon for another weekend.

It was a promise I wanted to uphold, as much as I despised my dad, I still wanted to make an effort, just as much as he was, and Vanessa was also trying so hard.

After we said our final goodbyes, we began the few hour trip home after texting mom to tell her we were leaving. 

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