Chapter 45 - Mini Vacation

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Chapter 45

Mini Vacation

•Ethan's POV•

It's the morning after the fight between Jake and Tyler had occurred.

Both Zoe and I packing our backpacks into the back of my car. We'd only packed enough clothes for two days; we're going to our Dad's for the night.

It took a few minutes on the phone with Mom to convince her to let Zoe and I have the two days off of school, but after I vaguely mentioned what happened the day before, she caved and let us have our mini vacation.

So, we got packing immediately after breakfast, and now we're pulling out of the driveway and driving down the road.

"Who's ready for a well-deserved mini vacation?" I shout enthusiastically.

"Meeeee!" Zoe squeals, throwing both arms into the air. "Can we put on some music?"

"Sure," I say.

She grabs my phone from the dashboard and plugs it in. Barely a few seconds pass before Taylor Swift is playing through the speakers.

The trip flies by while Zoe and I just sing to many of Taylor's songs.

- - - - -

Obviously, I called Dad before we started driving to make sure if it's okay that we can come over.

He was more than happy to hear that we just wanted to stay the night, and said that even though Vanessa and him won't be home until late in the afternoon, we'll all have a family dinner and cook together.

When we got to our old home, Zoe grabbed the spare key from under one of the pot plants on the porch and let herself in. I followed in after her with both of our bags, closing the door behind me.

I set the bags down in either of our rooms and sat down on the couch, checking my phone. I had two missed calls from America, and a text from her saying 'where the hell are you, Ryder?'.

I call her back immediately.

"Finally, took your fat ass long enough to call back," she answers when she picks up the phone.

"Aw, and here I was under the impression that you liked my ass," I quip back.

"Har har, Ryder. Where are you?"

"I'm sorry," I say. "I should've told you. Zoe and I have taken a mini vacation to my Dad's for the night."

"Seriously? And you didn't invite me?"

"You would've wanted to come to my Dad's?"

"Um, hell yeah," she says, as if it's the most obvious thing. "Spend a night at your old home with you two little rascals? I would've loved that."

I laugh. "We'll, I'm sorry I didn't tell you. Besides, you have little Noah to take care of, anyway."

She huffs. "Yeah, that's true, I guess. You're lucky you got out of this one, Ryder."

"How's school, anyway?"

I can feel her roll her eyes through the phone. "There's plenty of rumors flying around, people gossiping about the fight. Jake isn't here, obviously. Tyler isn't here, either. It's pretty much just Riley and I for the day."

"Well, I hope you enjoy that. Zoe and I are going to go do something before Dad and Vanessa get home," I say.

"You and Zoe have fun, Ryder. I'll talk to you later," she says, then hangs up.

I find Zoe in her old room, playing with a few of her old dolls in their miniature houses.

"Wanna go to the pool and get some lunch?" I ask her, grinning.

- - - - -

Zoe and I spent two hours at the local pool – the pool that we grew up visiting and doing swimming lessons at – and then we grabbed lunch at a fish and chip shop before coming back to the house to watch a Disney movie.

Thankfully, I didn't run into any old school friends.

By the time the Disney movie finished, Dad and Vanessa got home, entering the house with a few groceries.

"Who's ready for a classic roast dinner?" Dad says enthusiastically as him and Vanessa set the bags down on the dining table.

"But it's not a Sunday?" Zoe questions, getting up from the lounge.

"You two coming up is reason enough to break the rules," Vanessa chimes in.

Zoe grins before hugging Vanessa and Dad, and I do the same shortly after.

Then we spend the next few hours cooking up the roast dinner, then making a cheesecake for dessert while we watched a movie.

But there wasn't a moment that went by that I didn't have Jake on my mind.

- - - - -

We all woke up a little earlier that morning to have a family breakfast.

The conversation was comfortable and light – all about school and friends, which I avoided speaking to much about for obvious reasons – while we drank juice and ate waffles.

Then, when Vanessa and Dad left for work after breakfast, Zoe and I made our way back home, singing along to some more Taylor Swift the whole way. 

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