Chapter 6 - Skyscraper

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"Skies are crying, I'm watching. Catching teardrops in my hands."

Song: Skyscraper
Artist: Demi Lovato

Claire wouldn't talk to me. I've asked her about it the whole weekend but she said that if something more came out of mine and Harry's relationship then he will tell me. Guess I'll never know because there will not be more than a professional relationship between us. I'll make sure of that.

I've decided to talk to Harry today about what happened Friday night. We are going to work beside each other every day and the last thing I want is for things to become awkward and I lose my job. I really can't afford to lose my job.

Doing my usual morning routine by getting mine and Harry's coffees at Starbucks, I climb out of the taxi and look up at the big building before me. It feels like the first day all over again. Butterflies in my tummy, feeling like I want to vomit any second now and not knowing what to expect. I don't know what is going to happen when I walk into that office. What is Harry going to do? Say?

With a deep breath, I pull my long, black pencil skirt down and adjust my button-up shirt. If things don't go as I want, then it wasn't meant to be. Although I hope it will go my way.

Walking into the building there was a buzz of excitement going around the room. Confused I look around myself at all the smiley employees. Did I miss something?

Shaking my head, I walk over to the elevator. Damn, I'm so nervous. I just really hope Harry won't fire me. I mean, this wasn't my fault, he kissed me first... but I did kiss him back...

The dinging of the elevator snapped me out of my daydream and I'm met with my bubbly blond friend. Nervously, I walk out of the elevator and towards Claire.

"Oh, don't look like you've seen a ghost." Was the first thing she said to me when I approached the front desk she is sat at.

"How was he this morning?" I ask, referring to Harry.

"He seemed fine." I let out a sigh of relieve. I hope he is in a happy mood and not his usual moody self.

"Hey, Claire?" I ask getting her attention back to me. "Why is everyone so excited downstairs? Did something happen?"

"Oh yeah, it's the week of the charity ball. Everyone always gets excited for the years annual charity ball."

"Charity ball?" I ask confused. This is the first time I hear anything about a charity ball.

"You don't know? You didn't get your invitation?" She asks confused. I only shake my head. "Oh, well Harry hosts a charity ball every year to donate the money to a children's hospital. All the employees get an invitation to this special night and you're his PA so I'm sure you'll get one." I only nod, frowning. Maybe he doesn't want me there? "Are you going to talk to him?"

"Yeah, I'm just on my way. I'm so nervous, Claire." I say trying to forget about this annoying voice inside my head.

"No, it won't be that bad. That was truly a dick move and he needs to know it." Yeah, it's easier for her because he is her family.

Bidding me goodbye and good luck from Claire, I walk to my office to put my stuff down then take Harry's coffee and walk over to his office.

With a deep breath, I raised my hand to knock but voices stop me.

"Are you going to fire her?" Frowning, I step closer to peek into the not closed door. Inside I see Harry sitting at his desk with a frown on his face and Mr Tomlinson sitting in one of the chairs in front of his desk.

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