Chapter 18 - Heart like yours

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"Breath deep, breath clear.
Know that I'm here, know that I'm here.. waiting."

Song: Heart like yours
Artist: Willamette Stone

Watched "If I Stay" recently and I have to say.. I'm in love. Such a beautiful movie!
So sorry for the late update! But.. hope this chapter will make up for it. Please comment and vote!
I love you guys!

This morning came too soon. Much too soon.

Last night I quickly went back to my house to pack my bags for this departure today. I then came back to Harry's because I knew he couldn't be alone at this time. Just the look on his face, I knew his mind was going a mile a minute and I knew I couldn't leave him alone or he'll lose it.

I then came back and started to pack Haley's bag for him. The little sick girl sleeping soundly in her bed after Harry carried her to her room.

And now, this morning...

I woke up to an empty bed, no Harry insight. After searching almost the entire house for him, I finally found him in Haley's room looking at the little sleeping girl. I open the door a little wider and the creak of the door caught his attention. He looks up at me with tear-filled eyes which makes my heart break on the spot. How on earth can I comfort a broken-hearted man?

I walk over to him and pull him up by taking his hands in mine and bringing him into my arms. That's when he broke down, right there in my arms.

The only thing I knew how to do was hug him. I brought him into my arms and hugged him tightly, wishing I could take the pain away that he felt.

"Shhh." I murmur in his ear trying to calm him down. I press kisses against his temple and rub his back up and down trying to calm him down. I hate to see him like this, making me feel so powerless not knowing what to do.

For a few moments, we just stand outside the door of Haley's room, with Harry in my arms. I feel him take a deep breath before he looks up at me.

"I'm sorry." He says softly. I only shake my head and bring him down into a hug again.

I mean yeah, for any girl this isn't much fun having the guy you have feelings for cry over another woman, but then again this isn't just some girlfriend. This was Harry's wife, the person he vowed to spend the rest of his life with. I can understand that this is hard on him, I know I would've been a wreck if I was in his position and then to have a daughter that looks so much like his wife... It can't be easy on him.

"We have to catch a flight." He suddenly says and snaps me out of my thoughts. I look up into his eyes that are now a little red from his crying.

"I'll wake Haley, you can go freshen up." I know he doesn't want his daughter to see him in this state. He quietly thanks me and walk off towards his bedroom. I then take a deep breath myself before walking into Haley's room to wake the little girl.

"Haley hun," I say playing with her hair to wake her up. Her eyes flutter and she looks at me with that same green eyes like her dad.

"Janelle?" She murmurs, opening and closing her eyes a few times to help her wake up.

"How are you feeling, sweetie?" I ask her, brushing her hair away from her face.

"Okay," She says quietly. "Where is daddy?" You can see that this little girl relied on her dad and wants to be with him every second she is awake.

"He's in his room getting ready. We are going on a short vacation for a few days." I explain to her. She looks at me with furrowed brows.

"Where are we going?" She asks climbing out of her bed. I didn't know if I'm allowed to tell her or if she knows about all this, but then again, she was a baby when her mother died.

"um... We are going to London." I reply. The little girl walks over to her desk and gets a brush for her hair. She then walks over to me and hands me the brush. She rubs her runny nose, but overall she looks better than yesterday.

"Will you do my hair?" She asks nicely. I nod and take the brush from her and start to comb her blond hair.

"Janelle." She suddenly asks after a few moments of silence.

"Mhm," I mumble, focusing on the task at hand.

"Are you my mummy?" I didn't expect to hear this question. To be honest, I never thought she would ask me this even. Of course, she must know that I'm not her mother but the little girl also don't know what a mother is. She never had a mother figure in her life and I guess me being around here as much as I am confused her.

"Why are you asking that?" I decided to ask not wanting to hurt her feelings with just saying no.

"Because you are with daddy and my friend says that a mummy and daddy kiss each other when they love each other. And you and daddy kiss each other so you must be my mummy, right?" She turns around and looks at me with hopeful eyes. How do I reply to this question? I don't know how Harry is going to feel about this and he isn't at a very good place right now, so I don't want to add things to his plate. But this is serious. I'm talking about the feelings of a child is also involved now. It's not just Harry and I. It's Harry, I and Haley. We must off been more careful around Haley. If something happened between Harry and me, it's not just us that would be affected, but Haley now too.

"You ladies ready?" A voice suddenly snaps me out of my thoughts. I see that I didn't answer Haley with my hand with the brush still mid hair with brushing her hair. Her question just took a toll on me.

"Daddy!" Haley squeals and run over to him, tackling him into a hug.

"How is my little princess feeling?" He asks, placing a kiss on her cheek. He then looks at me with a smile on his face. I'm glad he is feeling better.

"I'm fine daddy. Are going to visit grandma?" She asks her dad. He picks her up and rests her on his hip.

"We sure are, my little angel. But first, you need to get ready before we can go."

Harry and Haley walk off to get her something to wear and here I'm just sitting wondering about the bomb Haley dropped on me. How am I going to tell this to Harry? I know he doesn't want someone to replace Layla but this isn't my fault. Haley asked me the question. What am I going to do the next time she asks me something like this? How do I answer her?

I only have one conclusion... I have to talk to Harry about this soon and I'm not sure how he is going to take it.

"How could a heart like yours, ever love a heart like mine?"

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