Chapter 14 - Need you

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"Look at me, I'm soaring. Seeing all the truth behind your eyes."

Song: Need you
Artist: The Chainsmokers, Skrillex ft Shawn Mendes.

It's been exactly three days since I last spoke to Harry. I didn't try to speak to him and he didn't try to speak to me at work. It's true, we both had to figure out our shit if we want this -whatever it is between us- to work.

He can't try to be in a relationship with me and not be honest. I'll admit, I'm also guilty here but my parents don't play such a big role in a relationship like a past girlfriend or wife does. I need to know what I'm signing myself up for. What if like two years down the line she comes back or something? I just want to know if she's still involved in both Haley and Harry's life.

With a sign, I finish up my last assignment for the day. It was like this for the last three days. Come to work, meeting with a cold Harry to get my work for the day, come to my office, do my work, go home, eat, bathe and then sleep. Nothing fun in my life.

I'll admit, I miss Harry. I do. I don't know what is happening between us right now but I made it pretty clear the night I left his house that if he doesn't give me an explanation then I can't be in this 'relationship'. We need to trust each other and it looks like we have the lack of trust in our relationship -or whatever you want to call it.-

With another big sign, I'm doing that a lot these days, I start to get my stuff ready to go home. Constantly thinking about Harry drains me.

Getting out of my comfortable office chair, I shut my computer down before turning around to get my purse. I stuff a few things in there, like my notebook and phone before zipping it up and turning back around. But suddenly there stood a figure in my eyesight, giving me a big fright.

"Harry!" I screech when I saw it was him standing in front of my door. He looks amused but slightly guilty for my big fright.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you." He says trying to hide his smile but I can see right through him. I know him better than he thinks I do.

"What are you doing here?" I ask clearing my throat. I walk back over to my desk and place my handbag on top of it.

"Janelle." He starts. "We need to talk."

"Oh, so you finally got the balls to talk to me?" I ask crossing my arms over my chest. It took him exactly three days to come and "talk" to me.

"Janelle, please." Harry breathes out. He runs his fingers through his hair like he always does when he is frustrated or nervous. I think he is more frustrated than nervous.

Looking at him now, he doesn't look good. His hair looks tangled, he has dark bags under his eyes and his suit doesn't fit him perfectly like it usually does.

Deciding to give him the benefit of the doubt, I clear my throat before speaking to him again. "You wanted to talk?"

He looks up at me. His emerald green eyes meeting my brown ones. "Yes, please." He says. "But not here. What about I take you back to my place and we can have a proper discussion? Haley is staying over at Claire's tonight."

I don't know if I'm comfortable with going back to his place. Last time didn't work out in our favour. But then again, he's ready to talk and I will listen.

I nod my head and start to gather my things again. I then follow him out of the door, out of the building and straight to his Range Rover standing at his reserved parking space.

The ride back to his house was filled with tension. Both of us didn't know what to say or how to act. I mean, for three days we tried to stay out of each other's way as much as possible and here we are stuck in one vehicle together.

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