Chapter 41 - I Need Your Love

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"I need your love. I need your time. When everything's wrong, you make it right."

Song: I Need Your Love
Artist: Madilyn Bailey, Jake Coco

Being back at my home brought so many unwanted memories back. Memories I'd rather forget about.

Harry wanted to get my things and arrange to put my apartment in the market. He didn't want me to come, but I insisted to come along. I want to pack my own things. This was once my home.

Looking around my trashed living room, I couldn't help but picture the actions that happened here. The blood was cleaned up, Harry said he hired people to clean that up for us after the police did their investigation.

I didn't feel safe here any more. I didn't want to be here. I once loved my home, this was the first apartment I bought for myself, the first apartment I moved in once I moved out of my parent's house. The first apartment I stayed in when I got the job at Styles Inc. I have so many happy memories here, but the bad memories overshadow the good. I just wanted to get out of here.

"I've let both Luke and Michael stay outside to keep an eye. I kept the front door open so they can still hear what's happening inside." Harry says coming inside the living room.

Luke and Michael were the bodyguards' Harry had hired for us. They were both big build and looked kinda scary. Luke was my bodyguard. He was friendly to me, but his resting bitch face always returned when Harry was around.

I only nod then look back at the trashed living room I once was so excited to furnish. I feel Harry's arms wrap around my body and his chin came resting on my shoulder.

"Don't think too hard. You might just go insane." Harry tried to joke, but I felt sad knowing someone came into my house and traumatized me in my own home. Who does that? Why would any decent human being want to do that willingly?

"Did the police got any evidence or clues?" I asked instead of what was on my mind.

"They got a bloody footprint in your kitchen, but other than that, it's clean. This guy was very smart. William was also through the whole house himself." I nod, trying to think of any facial features I might have seen. But nothing came to mind.

"Let's go pack your things, baby. We don't have to be in this house longer than we have to." I nod, following Harry to my bedroom.

My bedroom didn't look as bad as the rest of my home. Only a few drawers opened here and there, but that's it. Kind of weird, I mean, if the intruder came to rob me, my most precious things are in my bedroom. Things like jewellery, some extra cash, that kind of things.

I grab a box that Harry brought with to pack my things in and walk over to my drawers in front of my bed that has some of my jewellery and clothing.

"May I start to pack your cupboard?" Harry asks. I nod my head yes, then turn my attention back to the drawers in front of me.

Some of my jewellery was tossed around on the surface, but it looked like everything was still here. With furrowed eyebrows, I went to start to put my jewellery back in the little box I kept them in.

"You know what's weird," I say to Harry. He only hums in return. "It looks like all of my jewellery is here. I mean, wouldn't an intruder take especially jewellery?"

"Baby, we don't know if he was here to take your things. With the note you got in the hospital and the SMS's I've received, it looks more that he was here to hurt you." Harry says sincerely while folding one of my sweaters and put it in the box by his feet.

"Yeah, I know. But still, why not take something that he can potentially sell and get money. They are after the money after all." I shrug my shoulders, opening the small jewellery box. With furrowed eyebrows, I look at what inside the jewellery box is. Only one single band with a heart charm sat in the box. It was placed neatly like it was put there.

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