Chapter 43 - I Choose

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GUYSSSS! I've literally wrote this chapter over about three times... So I hope it turned out okay. Let me know!

"But all the roads let me to you."

Song: I choose
Artist: Alessia Cara

Harry made sure we had a meeting with William and Liam the following day. Obviously, Liam couldn't be here in person, so we Skyped him. I wasn't really that much interested in the meeting today as I wasn't feeling that great.

This morning I had some heavy morning sickness. I woke up with an uneasy stomach and that was the first time today I threw up. I mean, I was expecting this as it is something that happens when you are pregnant. But it got worse as I got ready for the meeting. Harry thought he would treat me and make some pancakes. Haley was ecstatic, but I couldn't bear the smell. I had to make Harry throw out the pancakes as the sight alone made me want to throw up, then I don't even talk about the smell. He had to literally refresh the air because I couldn't stand the smell.

Haley didn't really understand what was going on as we still haven't told her about my pregnancy, but Harry helped her cut up her pancakes and eat them in another room.

I was already disliking being pregnant... The only thing I could eat, or more like drink, that my body didn't want to bring up again, was orange juice. Yes, orange juice. My breakfast only consisted of orange juice. Harry was a little concern that I didn't eat anything, but I told him to relax. I have to listen to my body now. And this body didn't want any food this morning or it would be brought right back up.

I wasn't paying much attention but got snapped out of my daydream when Harry said my name.

"Baby? Are you even listening?" He asked. I could see a smile was threatening to appear on his face, but he had to act professionally. And so should I. I am his PA still.

"Uh... Yeah sure." I mumble back. I knew everyone in this room knew I was lying so I just signed and came clean. "No, could you please repeat it again. I'm just not feeling myself this morning."

"Something wrong?" Liam asked out of concern. Harry and I wanted to keep my pregnancy a secret until we are out of the danger zone that most moms happen to have miscarriages. I'm not too concerned as I feel my body I capable enough to carry this baby, but you could never be 100% sure.

"Um, no. Just a little shaken up about this whole Asher thing." I quickly covered up. I could see Harry looking at me out of the corner of my eye with a small smile on his face. His hand then slips over to my lap where I was fiddling with the promise ring he gave me and took my hand in his own.

"Don't worry, Miss Wilson. We'll get to the bottom of this." William said to me. "I know it's a touchy subject, but can you maybe repeat the actions that happened that day and why you think this could be your ex-boyfriend."

I told the whole story from the beginning, telling them my dream and how I suddenly recognised the voice that belonged to Asher. It was still a scary thought to think that Asher, my once boyfriend that I've spent most of my time with, is the one that gave me bruises and broke into my house. I still have no idea how he knows about our baby, but for some reason he does. And that's truly scary for me. I don't want anything to happen to my unborn child.

After the meeting, I was finally able to go home. Harry was having a quick chat with William, so I waited for him at the front entrance of his building. We had the meeting in Harry's office, so it was nice to see everyone again. Some gave their sympathy about my attack, but that's about it. I'm not sure when I'm going to start working again, but I have to soon. I want to pay rent or something, I don't want to live in Harry's house for free.

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