Chapter 39 - Why I Love You

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"I found love in you and no other love will do. That's why I love you."

Song: Why I love you
Artist: MAJOR

Looking around confused, I had no idea where I was. An uncontrollable pain shot right through my body. From my face all the way down to my feet. Beeping sounds were all around me. I look around, and then it hit me... I'm in a hospital.

"They are coming, baby. I'm just so happy you are awake." I look up and are met with a man in front of me. For a split second, it felt like I don't remember anything. Before everything came crashing down on me. The cancelled date, the intruder, how I feared my life.

"Harry." I breathe before tears finally leave my eyes. I couldn't stop myself, not only was I hurting physically but emotionally as well. Immediately I was wrapped in his strong arms and I felt safe. It felt right. "What happened?" I ask.

Harry looked at me but only gave me a kiss. It was a simple kiss, but nonetheless with passion. 

The door opened and in came the doctor, I assume, with a nurse. 

"Good evening, Miss Wilson. How are you feeling?" He asks while the nurse checks my blood pressure.

"Um, a little sore. Especially my jaw. And I'm very thirsty." I say honestly taking Harry's hand in my own.

"Well, four days ago you did get jaw surgery. But it did heal pretty well, so with some painkillers, you should be fine." 

"Wait? Four days ago?" I ask confused looking over at Harry. The last thing I remember was curling in a ball on my living room floor with unbelievable pain. Wishing it all could end.

Harry gave me a water bottle with a straw to take a sip. Immediately the water soothed my throat. I thank Harry and look back to the doctor.

"Yes, you were in a coma for about four days. It's not that bad. We had to put you in a coma to help the swelling around your brain go down." I sit up a bit, listening to the news.

"So, what happened to me?"

"As I just said, you had some swelling around your brain. The cause can be from a hard bump to the head. You got a big punch on your nose, but luckily it wasn't broken. Only bruised. Unfortunately, you had a broken jaw, but that was fixed under surgery. You got some bruises here and there, but that should heal quickly. And then..." And then he stops. He looks over at Harry with raised eyebrows. I look over at Harry confused. He looks at the doctor then back at me. He nods his head.

"What?" I ask looking between the two men.

"Miss Wilson, we did some blood tests and internal tests to make sure you weren't the victim of rape." My eyes got big and immediately fill with tears. I squeeze Harry's hand and look over at him.

When Harry saw my state, he immediately came to eye level with me. "No, baby. You weren't raped." I let a breath of relief out. 

"Miss Wilson, were you aware that you were expecting?" I look over at the doctor. Expecting? Expecting... like pregnant?

I look between the two men staring back at me, waiting for my answer.

"As in pregnant?" I ask confused with furrowed eyebrows. I can't be pregnant, I had no symptoms. And I'm pretty sure Harry and I used protection every time we slept together...

"I'll leave it to you, Mr Styles. Please don't hesitate to call if you need anything." The doctor said his goodbyes and then walked out the door. I looked over at Harry confused.

"There must be a mistake. I'm not pregnant." Was the first thing I said. "I would've known if I was."

"I was wondering if you knew. The doctor told me the second day you were here." He takes a seat on the chair he was previously seated on and takes my hand in his again.

It was quiet for a while before I spoke up again. "How far along am I?"

"About a month." He looks down at my stomach and then back in my eyes again. I couldn't read his emotions about the news.

"How do you feel?" I ask sincerely.

"About the baby?" I nod my head. "Well, I was pretty shocked when I first got the news. I kept wondering if you knew and why you didn't tell me. But, I'm starting to like the idea of you being pregnant."

"You do?" I look over at him with big eyes. I didn't expect him to be ready, after everything he went through.

We sat in silence again, both having the pregnancy on our minds, I'm sure. But then the realization hit me. The intruder repeatedly hit and kicked me in my stomach area. Does that mean...

"Harry? Is the baby fine? The intruder was pretty violent and repeatedly hit me in the stomach and-" he cut me off with a kiss. A kiss we both needed at this time.

"The doctor did an ultrasound and said everything was fine." Then his eyes glazed over with tears. "I'm so sorry I wasn't there to protect you, baby. I don't even want to think about everything you went through. If I haven't cancelled on you and-"

"Harry." I squeezed his hand in my own. I brought my left hand up and wiped the few tears that escaped from his eyes. "You're here now. That's all I can ask for."

He squeezes his eyes shut, a few more tears running down his cheeks, but then he reaches over, cups my cheeks in his hands softly and kisses me. It was supposed to be a simple peck but it soon started to get more passionate as he slipped his tongue inside my mouth. Immediately a sharp pain shoots from my jaw.

"Ouch," I said softly against his lips, cupping my jaw. Harry looks at me with worried eyes.

"What's wrong?" His eyes moving over my whole face.

"I can't make out with you just yet. It hurts my jaw a little." I say shyly. He looks at me with a soft smile, leaning in again and gave me a soft peck.

"I love you." He said.

"I love you more." I look up in his eyes before my mind drifts back to my pregnancy. "So um... When did you forget to use protection?" I give him a smirk and he only laughs in return.

"I've been thinking the same thing. The only conclusion I got was the last time. If I did my math right, our last intercourse was about a month ago and we were both so eager to start. Guess protection must've slipped my mind." He then puts his hand on my stomach. I put my hands over his bigger one.

"You weren't angry?" I ask softly.

He looks back in my eyes, "No, not at all. I was very shocked and couldn't believe the news at first. But I wasn't angry. A baby is a blessing, no matter if it was planned or not. I love this baby already so much."

Tears slipped from my eyes at his confession. I truly got the best guy in the whole world.

"How's Haley?"

"She misses her mommy a lot. She was here a few hours ago, but went to get some burgers with my mum." I was happy she's fine. I know this must have been hard on her.

"Wait... She was supposed to come to my house. Did she-" I hope she didn't see anything. Children at her age isn't supposed to witness something like that.

"No, Claire found you. She left Haley standing in the hallway. She knew something was up."

I nod, looking down again.

"Come here." I say scooting over to give him some space next to me. The hospital bed was too small for the both of us, but we made it work. I just wanted him to hold me for a few minutes... Maybe hours.

Lying with my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat, I knew he was the one for me. I couldn't see my life without him in it. He is it for me.

"I love you so much." I say softly against his chest.

"I love you baby. Get some rest." He rests his head against my own and together we fell asleep in each other's arms.

"This is why I love you. Oh, this is why I love you. Because you love me."

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