Chapter 45 - I Like Me Better

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"Damn, I like me better when I'm with you.
I like me better when I'm with you.
I knew from the first time, I'd stay for a long time."

Song: I Like Me Better
Artist: Lauv

Today is Haley's fourth birthday party. We decided to invite some of her closest friends from school, those she wanted at her birthday party, and then just family. My parents are even coming and staying for the weekend, as they see Haley as their own granddaughter as well.

Harry decided to invite his family as well to stay the weekend. That way we can tell both families the exciting news at once and no one feels left out.

"Look, mummy! Daddy got me an Elsa dress." I turn from the mirror where I was busy to do my makeup to look at the little girl in our bedroom. Some days it still feels surreal that I'm living with Harry and Haley.

Haley is standing in front of me wearing her blue Elsa dress. She is making us go insane with the number of times she wants to watch her movie. And then the singing is non stop as well. But as long as she is happy, she can sing as much as she wants. Even if it's the same one over and over again.

"You look like a real princess, sweetie." I smile down at her as she looks at me with a big smile of her own.

"No mummy, Elsa is the queen." I only laugh at her statement but agree with her non the less.

"Of course, honey. You're the queen for today."

"You ladies ready?" Harry asks suddenly appearing in the room as well. "Your parents are here."

I couldn't help but smile at the thought of my parents being here. Even though they aren't my blood parents, they are non the less important to me. No matter what some papers say, they are my real parents to me.

"Ohhhh!" Haley screamed at the top of her lungs as she ran out of the room to greet my parents. It amazes me how fond she is of my parents. When we went to visit them, she couldn't wait to go visit them again.

"You look beautiful, darling," Harry says walking over to me. He slides his arms around my waist and brings me in for a kiss.

"Thank you. You can't see the bump right? " I ask against his lips. He takes a step back to look me up and down before shaking his head.

"No, you can't see anything. You look like your normal self in a flowy dress." I went to buy a dress that would help me hide my pregnancy. We wanted to tell everyone, not show them. I truly hoped this will work.

"Are you nervous to tell everyone?"

"I felt quite nervous this morning, to be honest. But I'm so happy to bring this baby in the world, that I honestly don't care what people may think or say. I'm happy, you're happy and Haley is happy. That is all that matters to me." I listen carefully to what he is saying. I can't help but let a few tears fall as he speaks such beautiful words.

These last couple of days I've been very emotional. Haley would say something mean to me, like how she didn't like the way I cooked the macaroni the other night, and I burst out in tears. I mean, it wasn't that mean. It was her honest opinion, but my emotions didn't like that.

"Hormones," I mumble to Harry looking at me with concerned eyes. "I like the way you are thinking. I was, actually still am, nervous. But as you said. This is our family and we should be the only ones that should be happy."

I bring Harry back into a hug, feeling I don't want to let him go.

"We should go down there before Haley tells everyone she's getting a baby friend." He chuckles calling the baby a 'friend.'

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2020 ⏰

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