6. The purple haired medium

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I walked into the classroom with Nedou, Kaidou and Saiki beside me. As soon as enter I am suddenly hugged by someone. Before I can ever think I pick them up and flip them over onto their back. Everyone just stares at me with surprised looks. "Woah that was awesome!", Kaidou exclaims. Your cheeks heat up you crouch down before the guy. "Hey are you OK?", you ask, poking his cheek. His eyes open, his pupils replaced with love hearts. "You're not a ghost!", he exclaims. You raise an eyebrow at him. "No I'm not a ghost". He blushes  and nervously rubs the back of his neck. "H-hi, my name's Toritsuka", he says with an unsure smile. You brush off his strange attempt to hug you and send him a smile. "Nice to meet you Toritsuka, my name is (Y/n)". His blush gets even darker. "Wow, (Y/n) is such a pretty name". You giggle and play with the bandages on your hands. "Uh thanks, also why did you try and hug me?". "Well I didn't know if you were a ghost or maybe even an angel". Your eyes widen. "You can see ghosts?", you ask. He smirks and nods. "I can tell you what your guardian spirit looks like if you want". Your face lights up. "Really?". He nods. "Ok then, what does it look like?". He looks behind and his face heats up even more. "Wow she's pretty and she looks just like you, do you have a dead sister or something?". You shake your head. "No uh... that must be my mother". "Oh... I'm sorry". "No its alright, you didn't know". Suddenly the bell rings and he walks over to the door. "Well I'll see you later". You wave and take your seat. Kaidou looks a little sad. "Hey are you ok?", you ask. He looks at you and his face explodes in color. "Y-yeah, just fine". I can feel eyes on me. I look to the desk on the other side of me and see Saiki looking at me. When our gaze meets he turns his head to the front. During the lesson your mind drifted to thoughts of your mother. She was gone and you missed her dearly, it was nice to know that she was watching over you, whether she remembered you or not.


At first break you walked into the cafeteria and sat in the table you had yesterday. You couldn't see Saiki, Nendou or Kaidou anywhere so you just sat by yourself. Suddenly someone takes a seat beside you. You look over and see Toritsuka sitting beside you. "Hey". He gives you a big smile and you can't help but giggle. "Why are you sitting by yourself?", he asks, his head tilting slightly to the side. Your cheeks heat up and you look down at the table. "Well I dunno, I've made a couple of friends but I don't know where they are".

Around the corner

Kaidou peeks around the corner and sees (Y/n) and Toritsuka talking. She's giggling and blushing. "Damn him!", Kaidou growls. "What is it?", Nendou asks, trying to look around the corner too. Kaidou pulls him back and slaps his hand over the larger boy's mouth. They both slowly peek around he corner just in time to see Toritsuka say something that makes (Y/n) laugh. "Where's Saiki when you need him?", Kai asks, looking around the cafeteria. Nendou points his thick finger in the direction of the pink haired boy, walking towards the table where (Y/n) and Toritsuka sat. 

Saiki's POV

I made myself invisible and stood in the corner of the room. (Y/n) was sitting by herself, she looked a little sad. She's probably looking for us. I made myself visible just as Toritsuka sat next her. Her was making her blush and laugh, I don't know why but I felt a little annoyed. I walked over to the table and sat down. "Hey (Y/n)", I greet. Toritsuka's face lights up. "You know Saiki, (Y/n)?", he questions. She nods and turns to me, giving me a friendly smile. "Hi Saiki". I send her a nod and look over at Toritsuka. "Wow (Y/n) is so pretty, I wish she was my girlfriend".  I mentally sigh. Toritsuka is head over heels for her and he only met her this morning, what an idiot. I can hear Kaidou's thoughts also, he's hiding behind a corner with Nendou. "Ok lets get this over and done with. First I'll get rid of Toritsuka and then it will just be me and (Y/n)... no wait I mean Nendou and Saiki as well". Another mental sigh, he likes her too. Kaidou and Nendou walk over and take a seat at the table with us. 

Your POV

Now the table was almost full, I sat in between Saiki and Toritsuka, on the other side of the table Kaidou and Nendou sat. I heard some yelling and looked over and saw Hairo doing push ups. He looked up and ran over to or table, taking a seat next to Nendou. "Hey guys, what are you all doing?". No one says anything, they just look at me. I'm not very used to getting much attention, my face turns bright red. "I um w-well uh". "We're just talking", Toritsuka adds. You pick up your bag and stand up. "I-I'm sorry". You then walk away.

No one's POV

Kaidou sends a glare in Toritsuka's direction. "What are you looking at me like that for?", the purple haired boy questions. "You scared her away", Kaidou spits. Toritsuka rolls his eyes. "I was here first, y'know". Kaidou does a strange pose, pulling up his sleeve slightly to show the red bandages that wrap his hands and forearms. "Be careful, I wouldn't want to have to show you my full power". Toritsuka rolls his eyes again and gives the blue haired boy a challenging glare. "Go on then". Kaidou firmly grips his wrist and shakes his head. "No way, I might accidentally hurt the other students". Toritsuka stands and begins walking off. "What a jack ass", Kaidou mumbles. "What do you think, Saiki?". Kaidou turned to the spot where the pink haired boy was sitting only to see that he was missing. 

Well they scared you off, lets just hope that you come back. We're at around 230 reads, thank you all. Vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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