29. Package (Final chapter)

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Saiki sat in his room, watching tv when he heard the sound of the front door. He raised an eyebrow, it wasn't that he didn't know the delivery guy was coming he was just confused as to why it was so late. He could hear his parents thoughts from downstairs and apparently, the package was for him. He walked down the stairs and took the box from his parent's arms before looking down at it. He could easily see what was inside it was a stuffed animal. He pulled the box open and held up a stuffed panda getting coos from his parents. "It's so cute, you should give to your girlfriend, Ku", his mother says. But he didn't hear a single word of it, his eyes were glued to the tag on its ear which had the word 'mine' written on it. He quickly teleported into his room and using his clairvoyance as he sat down on his bed.

He searched for you but could only see darkness, whoever had set this up was smart since they knew about Saiki's powers. He thought about it being his brother and froze up when he thought of the boy Tamaki, the one you wished to be protected from. He quickly slipped his glove off and placed his hand on the bear.

He saw the day he won it for you and then it cut to a scene of you hugging it while sleeping. Next, it showed a dark figure picking up the black and white bear and placing it on the floor in the hall of you your apartment. You opened the door and froze at the sight of it, heading to the kitchen while the dark figure snuck up behind you and kidnapped you. They took the bear with them, laying it beside your unconscious body. Once they had you tied up the bear was placed in a box and given to a delivery guy to then be delivered to Saiki's house. Since Saiki could see the location he quickly teleported there, finding himself outside of a large abandoned building.

He used his x-ray vision and looked through the walls, not being able to see you due to the darkness. He lets out an annoyed sigh and enters the building hearing your quiet thoughts. "Help me, Saiki".

You looked around the dark room you were left in and cringed at the strange noises that surrounded you.  Tamaki had put an earpiece in your ear and chuckled. "What is this?", you growled feeling touch your leg. "It's nothing to worry about, I just found out something very interesting information that will help me greatly". Suddenly the door of the room you were stuck in opened and the lights flicked on. It was then that you saw what you were surrounded by, millions of bugs. Normally you wouldn't be scared, just as long as they left you alone. But because they were crawling all over you could help but scream, attempting to shake them. A voice was heard over a speaker. 

"Saiki I'm glad you made it to the party, for dinner tonight I'll be spilling your blood and for dessert, I think little miss (Y/n) might have something in store for me". Your face turned a fiery red, not only embarrassment but anger too. You felt so angry that you had almost forgotten you were surrounded by bugs. You didn't know it but Saiki hated bugs. Sure he looked disgusted and utterly disturbed right now but he managed to fight it and hold his natural unemotional look. He clicked his fingers and fire appeared, frightening some bugs as well as welcoming several moths to an unlikely suicide. Around the room, several fires appeared killing most of the tiny creatures that wiggled and scurried around on little or no legs. Once a majority of the mini-demons were gone Saiki rushed to your side, brushing off a couple beatles before freeing you.

As soon as you were able to move you wrapped your arms around his neck, hiding your face in his shoulder. "I'm sorry", he apologizes. You look up and give him an annoyed glare. "Why are you saying that for, you saved me, you idiot". But before your moment could end you heard yelling. "No no no no no no no!". Tamaki entered the room, an insane glint in his eye as he pulled out a knife. "I won't let you take her, I love her, she's all I have left!", he screams. You cower behind Saiki, never before had you seen Tamaki this mad. "I gave up everything for her, I killed my friends and my own family because they tried to take her away. I just wanted you to be mine (Y/n), you told me that you loved me! Now you change your mind and act like we were never even together, I love you and the only way you're going to stop me is if you kill me". Saiki places his hand on your shoulder and meets your gaze. "Go and find my brother". You nod and let Saiki teleport you into the hall so you were standing behind Tamaki. He snapped his head back in your direction and tried to lunge at you but Saiki closed the door before he could. You could hear him banging on it but began running in the direction Kusuke was in to keep calm.

After a minute or so you reached a door which was cracked open. You entered slowly, looking around to see a mess of screens, controls, and different science equipment. On the floor lay the body of the blonde scientist. You gasped and ran to his side, kneeling beside him. You shake his shoulders. "Kusuke are you alright? Can you hear me?". He was bleeding from the head but other than that he looked fine. "Kusuke", you repeat. Suddenly his eyes fluttered open and he squinted up at you. "Did I win?", he asks. You shake your head. "No you lost again but at least you're alive, now get up we need to get out of here". He nods and lets you help him up as he hobbles out of the room with you by his side. Saiki exited the room holding an unconscious Tamaki by the back of his shirt. You could hear sirens outside and watched as Saiki dropped the obsessive male to the floor. "(Y/n) we need to go", he says. You turn to Kusuke and then look back at the pink-haired brother. "Why? What about the police?". He helps Kusuke off of you and sits him down beside Tamaki. "We don't want to be apart of this, let's go". You sigh and nod before taking his hand and teleporting away.

Basically the end but we still have the epilogue so hold up a sec, just let me proofread it.
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