19. Miss Grape Soda!

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It was unexpected. You never expected to see Saiki's mother in the shop and now you wished you had stayed home and eaten the cereal without milk this morning. You lay back on your couch just watching the hours tick by. It was already 5 o'clock and you only had an hour to get to Saiki's house. You push yourself off of your couch and change into some nicer clothes. You didn't want to look scruffy but you also didn't want to look like you tried too hard. After that, you just needed to brush your hair once more and brush your teeth. You smiled brightly at yourself in the mirror. You mentally turned into Hairo as you cheered yourself on. You were going to do it, you were going to Saiki's house for dinner. Before you felt embarrassed and a little scared but now you felt excitement.

You left your apartment, not letting you smile leave. You hadn't admitted it to yourself yet but you loved it here. The town, Pk academy, the people... all of the friends you had made over the last week. You loved it so much and you wished you could stay forever. But with good thoughts usually come bad ones, right? Your mind momentarily went to a dark place. A stabbing feeling struck you in the heart. You gasped and smacked right into a pole.

Suddenly there was the sound of a child's laughter. You turn your head to see a green-haired boy in a hat laughing at you. "Be careful, Miss Grape Soda!", he giggles. You raised an eyebrow at him as your rubbed your aching forehead. The boy was standing out front of Saiki's neighbor's house, maybe they were neighbors. "Ok uh thanks little boy, I've gotta go so uh see ya!", you call, walking towards Saiki's house. Just as you go to ring the bell on Saiki's gate the little boy clings to your leg. "Miss Grape Soda! I didn't know you were going to see your boyfriend!". Your face turned bright red. "W-what? Boyfriend?!". He lets go of you and looks at Saiki's house. "But you were going to visit Cyborg Cider man No. 2, weren't you? He's your boyfriend!". He holds up a manga which looks like a big advertisement. On the front it showed the image of a girl in a purple suit and guy in a blue suit, they looked like superheroes and the two were holding hands. "Well I'm sorry but I'm not uh Miss Grape Soda or whatever, I'm just going to visit a friend". The boy gasps. "Is it a secret?! Are you trying to hide it from Barron Cola?!". You sigh and meet the kid's gaze, you're probably just gonna have to go along with it."Yeah, I'm Miss Grape something, I'm on a secret mission so don't tell Barron cola or whatever". His eyes light up, filling with sparkles. "Woah that is so cool!". He then ran away, calling to his mother about how he just met "Miss Grape Soda".

You finally pressed the bell on the gate and Kurumi swung the front door open, running over to you. Once she got the gate open she enveloped you in a tight hug. "I was so glad you were able to make it, we've been expecting you~". She pulls you inside and then jumps on her husband, beginning to cuddle him. "It's so nice of you to drop by again, (Y/n)", Saiki's father greets. "Oh uh, no problem".

You then saw someone head down the stairs and smiled brightly recognizing the bright pink hair, but then your gaze of the psychic was blocked. In front of you stood a blonde male, you would admit that he was very handsome but not the type of person you would go for. "You must be Saiki's friend, (Y/n) right?". You give a slow nod and watch as he chuckles, taking one of your hands. He brings it to his lips and places a gentle kiss on the back of it. "When I was told Saiki's friend was coming over I didn't expect her to be this pretty", he smirks. You awkwardly pull your hand away and look at the ground with a red face. "Uh thanks, I guess". Then his hand met your cheek. "And super cute when she's embarrassed, Kusuo is very lucky to have you. I'm Kusuke by the way, Kusuo's older brother". He then trails his fingers down your jawline and off your chin in a playful manner. He then turns around and walks off into the living room. Saiki approaches you and takes your hand, turning to his parents. "We'll be heading up to my room before dinner", he says emotionlessly. They both nod and wave to us. "Ok have fun Ku!", his mother calls. "Not too much fun though", his father adds. Your heart speeds up unwillingly. Through he was wearing his super thin gloves, you could feel the warmth of his hand. So close yet so far away, your barely even a millimeter away from knowing all of Saiki's emotions. The only thing that's stopping you are those super thin gloves.

If you look at the media at the top you can see that we are ranked 400 and something in fanfiction! Yay! I saw this in the morning and I guess I wanted to share it. Thank you all for reading, I appreciate it all. Love Ya

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