8. Try again

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Today was Wednesday and just like yesterday Saiki had teleported into my living room to walk with me to school. Unfortunately I had woken up a little late and he had come in while I was in my pajamas. Right now I had just finished getting changed and left my room, seeing Saiki standing in the kitchen leaning up against the wall. "Are you ready to go?", he asks. I nod and follow him out the front door of my apartment.

The walk to school was quiet. Not for long though, I had so many questions. "So since you can teleport... where have you been?", you ask. He sends you a sideways glance and then stares straight ahead. "I've been everywhere". You face lights up. "One day I want to travel around the world, have you been to Antarctica?". "Yup". "How about Australia?". "Yes there too". "How about Nepal?". "Yeah, you realize that everywhere mean everywhere, right?", he says with a faint amused smile. I giggle and rub the back of my neck. "I always wished I could teleport. When I was little I thought I would have all these cool super powers just like my mother". There's a moment of silence, your rethink your words and slap your hand over your mouth. "So you mother was a psychic?", Saiki asks. You slowly nod, you smile fading as your gaze drifts to the ground. "Do you have any psychic abilities?". "Not that I know of", you sigh.

Saiki's POV

I knew she was lying. I searched her mind for anything on psychic abilities and all I found was static once again. Even though I wasn't finding out any information about her I found out that when I find static she is trying to hide something. Something must've happened in her past, perhaps something to do with her mother. Maybe something more. Whenever her mother is brought up her smile disappears and she refuses to make eye contact with anyone. I mentally sigh and look over at her so see that she's playing with the bandages on her hands again. She seems to do that whenever she's nervous or upset. When I look at her I don't see a mound of bone and organs, I see an actual girl. She may have defensive abilities, powers that stop others from penetrating her thoughts and stealing the information stored within her mind. Also since I can't see though her like everyone else my theory is that she is hiding something on her body. Scars or markings perhaps? I need to stop over thinking all of this, my mind has gone from empty and uncaring to interested and curious. I want to know what she's hiding and I want to know why she's alone...

I look over at (Y/n) and she's still frowning. "You may not believe you have them or you're lying to me. Whether you know or not my guess is that you do have some sort of ability". She turns her head, looking up at me to meet my gaze. "Really? What kind?". "Something defensive, I can't see through you with my x-ray vision and I can't read all of your thoughts. Its as if I'm blocked". She nods and continues to fiddle with the bandages on her hands. "I know that you're hiding something, what you're hiding is unknown to me. For some reason I'm curious as to what it is. As someone who doesn't care much for others this is unusual for me". She nods again, her eyes glued to the ground. "Why don't you like other people, Saiki?", she asks. I was caught off guard by the question. "When you know everything about a person just by being within a certain area of space as someone it gets boring. There's nothing you don't already know about them. You can't get to know people, its hard to make friends that way. Also I'm generally not that interested. Guys my age aren't typically the brightest and are quite perverted". She giggles and nods. "And uh why do you keep your distance from others?", I ask. She hesitates before giving her answer. "I feel like everyone is watching me. I feel like they know everything about me and are judging me constantly. I feel like they hate me and they want me to die... But that just sounds silly, right?", she says, letting out nervous laughter. "Its true though, no matter how happy I feel one second the next I'll feel sad because I remembered something that is upsetting. People always talk and that makes it easy to say something that might make me upset. Pressure also does it too, you saw it the other day when I ran away from you guys in the cafeteria. Everyone's eyes were on me and the pressure was building up. You guys may have had harmless intentions but my mind ignored any reasonable thoughts and jumped straight to the idea that everyone hates me. I-I... I'm not sure why...". I nod and stare straight ahead. "You have low self esteem", I comment. She nods. "I do, I've had it for a while now". I look around and realize we are around the corner from school. "We're almost there", I state. She nods and looks around at the surrounding buildings. It was quiet, the only sounds you could hear were the birds and the occasional car driving past. "(Y/n) can I ask you something about your mother?", I ask. (Y/n) freezes in place, I take a couple more steps before stopping and looking back at her. She stares blankly at me. A few seconds later her gaze drops to the ground once again. I walk forward so I'm standing right before her. "May I?",I ask again. She gives a slow hesitant nod. "Where is she now?", I ask. I watch as the once happy cheerful girl turned sad, tears beginning to stream down her cheeks. "S-she's dead", she whispers.

Your POV

I don't bother to look up and wipe my eyes with the sleeve of my uniform. Saiki stands in front of me, unmoving. "Yesterday when I was talking to Toritsuka he told me about my guardian spirit. Apparently she looked just like me. I wanted to cry when I heard that but I-I just couldn't. Some people at school already don't like me, Teruhashi hates my guts for some reason and I haven't even done anything to her... Maybe I should just go home". Saiki shakes his head. "No, stay". I sniffle a little and rub my eyes. Saiki sighs. "I'm sorry", he says. You nod and take a step back. "I want to help you, just try again today". This time I sigh. "F-fine, I'll try again".

Hope this was sufficient. Can't wait for the next season to come out, its in April or something. Idk if I've said that before. I probably have. Also I wanted to say thank you to all of you readers, we have just over 700 reads on here. I wasn't expecting many because I wasn't too sure how many people knew of the anime or had even seen it.  Anyway vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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