28. Captured

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Your eyes fluttered open only to find yourself tied to a chair in the center of a room, having a large monitor on the wall in front of you. Suddenly it flicked on and the image of Kusuke appeared. He chuckled as he watched you pull at the ropes that bound your arms and legs to the chair. "Don't worry (Y/n), I'm not going to hurt you. All I want to do is test Saiki, just know that no harm will come to you", he says with a cheerful smile. You let out a sigh of relief and slump in your chair a little. "Why did you have to get me to do this?", you ask. Sure you were annoyed and pretty upset that Kusuke had used you as a lure for his brother but you also knew that he wouldn't harm you, all he wanted was to either gather information to beat Saiki or to actually beat him at something.

But your feeling of calmness disappeared after the image of Kusuke turned to static. The connection kept cutting in and out. "What's happening?", Kusuke asks, looking around at the controls in front of him. Suddenly his image cut out and a dark figure appeared on the monitor. "I see that you've finally woken up, I was so happy when I got to see your sleeping face again. It brought back so many memories, all of which are precious to me". The figure stood up and walked out of the room he was in, letting the image cut back to Kusuke. The blonde scientist looked panicked as he began pressing buttons, the background flashing with red light. "(Y/n) I don't know what's going on, all of my systems are offline". You hear the sound door opening and see Kusuke turn his head to the side.

"What are you doing in here? I only hired you to get the girl", Kusuke yells. The dark figure appears on Kusuke's screen, attacking him. Tears begin streaming down your cheeks as looked away, unable to watch the blonde take a beating. "Kusuke, get out of there!", you scream. The dark figure reappears, grabbing their hood and pulling it back. The crazy smile was revealed along with striking green eyes and messy brown hair. "It has a very long time (Y/n), I love you and I won't let you go this time. This time we can be together forever and when I say forever, I mean it". He left the view of the monitor and began walking towards the room you were being held in. Slowly the sound of echoing footsteps grew louder only causing you to thrash around more, more desperate to get free. But before you knew it the door slowly swung open, revealing the boy you wished never to lay your eyes upon again.

He slowly approached you, stopping and kneeling at your eye height. "This time when we're together you must be more submissive, I remember you always saying no to me. I can't stand that word", he says, leaning into your ear. He leans down to your neck and hungrily kisses the exposed skin causing you to cringe. "Get your disgusting mouth off of me, you bastard!", you yell. He pulls away, giving you an unhappy look. His hand strikes your cheek, leaving a painful red mark. "What did I just tell you? If you don't remember then I might have to jog your memory", he chuckles as he runs his hand up your clothed arm where he had carved into the skin. "Do you want that?", he asks. You shake your head. He smiles. "Good girl". He leans closer to you, his hand slowly trailing up your thigh. "Ahh, bastard stop!". He didn't and it was only when one of his hands slid up your top did you said something you probably shouldn't have in front of a crazy Yandere. "Saiki! Help me!".

Tamaki pulled away from you, an amused look in his eyes. "I do know of this Saiki, he's the pink-haired boy with the hairpins". You turn your head away from him. "What is Saiki to you?", he asks, leaning close to your face. You refuse to answer, receiving a punch to the stomach. "(Y/n), I asked you a question now answer it!". "He's my boyfriend". All goes quiet before Tamaki begins laughing maniacally. "So you think that when I'm gone you can just go whore yourself out to some random guy?". You glare back at him. "I love Saiki, you asshole". The brunette stays quiet for a moment before sighing in disappointment. "Well then if you love this Saiki so much I would just love to meet him", he chuckles. "How I would love to watch the man who stole my treasure die slow and painfully by my hands", he laughs. "Saiki is stronger than you are, if you fight him you will die". Tamaki chuckles and leans up against the wall. "Really? You think I'm afraid of him because he's a psychic, don't ya?". He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a headpiece, it was Kusuke's. You gasped quietly at the sight of it, there was blood on it. "I have all the information about the pink-haired bastard that I could ask for and how is he going to read my moves if he can't read my mind?". Tamaki lifts the headpiece to his head and secures it with his hair. "I'm not afraid of him and if he underestimates me he'll die, then after that you'll be mine once again".

The yandere is back!
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