13. Excuses

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I walked down the hall, making my way towards my last class of the day. I turned the corner and noticed a blinding light before me. Teruhashi notices my presence and scoffs, sending me a glare. She approaches me but this time it doesn't look like her friends are with her. "Why didn't you listen to me?", she growls lowly. Instead of cowering like you usually would have you took a deep breath and glared right back. "You have no right to tell me what I can and can't do, you also have no right to tell me to kill myself. I'm happy here and if you can't handle it then you might as well move schools. Everyone else may have fallen for your charms but I can see right through them". She takes a step back, her eyes widening. "Y-you'll regret saying that", she stutters before walking away. I let out a long sigh once she's gone and make my way to class.

"(Y/n) why are you late?", the teacher asks. "I'm sorry Sensei, I was helping someone who had dropped their books", you lie. The teacher nods in approval and allows you to make your way to your desk. "Did you really do that?", Kaidou whispers. You shake your head, letting out a quiet laugh. "I was just a little slow getting here, I don't really have a reason besides that". He happily nods and sends me a smile before looking at the front. Nendou was unknowingly arguing with the teacher since he showed up late, his excuse being that he was in the toilet taking a shit. You stifle a laugh at how hilarious the conversation was, not knowing that your adorable laughter had gathered the attention of most of the guys in your class.


The bell rang and you collected all of your stuff, heading towards the front doors of the school. Before you could leave someone jumped out in front of you. "Hey (Y/n)!". "Oh, hey Hairo". "I was wondering if you wanted to watch my tennis practice?", he asks hopefully, a faint blush on his cheeks. "Oh I'm sorry Hairo but I've got plans this afternoon, maybe another day?". He happily nodded. "Yeah that would be great, how about next week?". You nodded and waved to him as he ran away. You hated to lie to him but you didn't feel like doing anything.

Before you could take another step you see someone else jump out in front of you. "Hey (Y/n)", Kuboyasu greets. "Uh, good afternoon, Kuboyasu. What can I help you with?". "I was wondering if you wanted to hang out, like go to the park or something?". You felt even more guilty, you didn't want to decline his offer but you weren't feeling it today. "I'm sorry but I'm busy today, maybe another day?". "Yeah that would be great, I'll ask another time". He begins walking away, waving to you.

You thought you were safe now but you weren't. "(Y/n) do you want to see some ghosts?!". You turn to see Toritsuka. "Um no thank you". "Aw, why not?! They're pretty cool". You shrugged your shoulders. "I'm not feeling very well so I don't want to ruin your fun, I'd like to but maybe another time". "Of course, I'll see you later". He runs back into school, probably for his club or something.

Were you safe, definitely not. "(Y/n)! Do you want to come with me and the runt to get some ramen?!", you hear in the distance. Suddenly something touches your shoulder and Saiki appears. You jump slightly and stare wide-eyed at the pink haired boy. "Saiki, where did you come from!?". He holds his finger to his lips and drags you out of the way. "Where did she go?", Kaidou asks, looking around. You raise an eyebrow and look over at Saiki. "We're invisible", he says telepathically. You nod, finally understanding, and watch as the two boys continue to search for you. Eventually, they give up and leave. Saiki lets go of you and the two of you become visible once again.

"You didn't have to do that, y'know", you sigh. He just shrugs his shoulders. "You had already had Hairo, Kuboyasu, and Toritsuka asking if you wanted to hang out. I know that you don't feel like hanging out with them". You nod. "Uh, thanks I guess", you mutter. "Well do you wanna hang out?", he asks, startling you. You slowly nod and walk by his side out the gates of the school.

Well, look who little miss popular is. I can't wait for the next episode to come out, I'm so excited. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Have a wonderful day. Vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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