20. I will win

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Saiki sat you on his bed and let out an annoyed sigh as he took a seat beside you. "What's wrong?", you ask, meeting his gaze. He shakes his head and glares at his door. "My brother found out that my mom invited you over and came, just ignore him". You nod. "Sure, he's kinda forward", you say nervously rubbing the back of your neck. You didn't want to offend Saiki but were surprised at what he said next. "My brother and I don't like each other, it's been like that since were growing up". You sat in silence for a moment, noticing that Saiki was looking at you. You look back at him and tilt your head to the side in curiosity. "Whatcha looking at?". He continues to stare at you. "I'm always wondering what you're thinking, you're one of the only people I can't read the mind of". "Who are the others?". "Nendou and my brother". Your glanced toward the door and then back to Saiki. "So is your brother a psychic too?". He shakes his head. "He's created a device which can stop me from reading his mind". "Wow, he must be a genius". Saiki nods. "He is, please just try and keep away from him. Never be alone with him, I know he'll try something". After him saying that you felt a little uneasy, would Kusuke actually try something on you?

Saiki suddenly stands up and walks toward the door, holding it open for you. "Come on, dinner's almost ready". You quickly get up and head out with the pink-haired boy trailing behind you. You walked down the stairs, accidentally bumping into Kurumi. "Oh, I'm sorry", you apologize. She giggles and shakes her head. "It's fine, now lets get down stairs". She takes your hand and walks you down the stairs. She leads you to the dinner table and sits you down, also pulling out a seat for Saiki. Kusuke's face lights up at the sight of the empty chair beside you and rushes toward it but Saiki uses his powers take the seat first. Everyone except you looks shocked. "Kusuo, don't go using your powers in front of our guests", his father scolds. They all then turn to you, gasping at the unfazed look on your face. His mother sighs in relief. "Thank kami she didn't see". Saiki meets his mother's gaze. "She already knows". She lets out a nervous laugh. "Oh Ku, I have no idea what you're talking about". He sighs and turns to you, giving a look that basically said 'explain'. "W-well, I'm somewhat of a psychic myself", you say quietly. All eyes were on you now, feeling timid you shrunk down in your seat. "Aw, (Y/n) its ok dear", Kurumi says sweetly, patting your head. You seemed to feel a little more comfortable after the gesture and sat up straight in your seat. "Kusuke, Kusuo, why don't you go into the kitchen and help your mother?", their father suggests. Completely ignoring the older male they both stand up and walk toward the kitchen. Saiki sent you a quick glance before he disappeared, leaving you alone with his father. "Don't worry, he's an idiot".

In the kitchen
"Could you boys cut up these for me?", Kurumi asks. They nod and stand side by side, assisting their mother. "Why are you here?", Saiki asks. Kusuke chuckles and sends a sideways glance to his younger brother. "Ever since we were young you have won at everything and so I have thought of a way to beat you", he smirks. "And what might that be?", Saiki challenges, clearly annoyed by the blonde. "I'm going to steal the girl you like and keep her as my prize when I win". Saiki rolled his eyes, feeling an unnatural surge of jealousy. He never felt this way unless he walked past bakeries without any money on him. "(Y/n) wouldn't like someone like you". Kusuke chuckles and finishes his job. "Just you watch, I'll get her to fall for me". He then walked out of the kitchen. Saiki sighed and used his powers to quickly complete the job, heading back to the table.

Back with you
"What's your favourite colour?". "Um (f/c)". "What's your favourite animal?". "I'd have to say a (f/a)". "What's your favourite season of the year?". "Probably (f/s)". "Dear, please stop bothering our guest with questions". "Oh alright, but I was only trying to get to know our future daughter in law". Your eyes widen slightly. "Uh, sorry what was that?", you question the older male, your cheeks bright red. Suddenly the two brothers entered the room, Saiki taking the seat beside you  and Kusuke taking the one across from you. Kurumi placed the food on the table. "Alright, you may start". You smiled and thanked her before starting to eat, trying your hardest to ignore the glares sent between the two brothers.

Hope you enjoyed. I completely forgot I wrote this so I didn't publish it until now. Dorry. Vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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