7. Company

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I let out a long sigh. Here I am... sitting in a stall in the girls bathroom. I can't believe I just left, I feel really embarrassed. My face heats up just thinking about it. I run my fingers through my hair, trying and failing to calm myself down. Suddenly the bathroom door opens and the clicking of shoes is heard. "Did you see (Y/n) run out of the cafeteria?", a girl asks. "Yeah, I wonder what happened", says another. You hear a scoff. "I can't believe her, how can she just run away from Saiki like that?", Teruhashi exclaims. "You like him, right?", the first girl asks. Teruhashi scoffs. "No way, I just want him to swoon over me like all the other boys, I want him to saw 'oh wow, Teruhashi you're so pretty'". I glare at the stall door and clench my fist. She's purposefully flirting with him just he will fall for her, why would someone do that? "But you have all the other boys in love with you, does it matter if one or two aren't?", the second girl asks. "I need Saiki to like me, no I need him to be in love with me". I open the stall door slightly and looked at the three girls who were standing out there. Teruhashi runs her hair brush through her dark blue hair and pulls some make up out of her bag to touch up her face. I roll my eyes, so her beauty is just make up. "What are you going to do about (Y/n)? She's always hanging out with Saiki, if anything he will probably fall for her". Teruhashi glares at the mirror. "We'll get rid of her, don't worry about it. She'll hate it here so much that she'll transfer schools and I will finally have Saiki". Her friends giggle and flip their hair before leaving the bathroom behind their leader. I let out a sigh of relief and stand up, leaving the stall. 

"Why did you run away?", a voice asks, giving you a fright. You turn around and see Saiki standing there. Your face turns bright red. "Saiki you can't be in here, you're a boy"!. He doesn't respond. He reaches out his hand and places it on your shoulder. A second later you find yourself on the roof. "You really like coming up here, don't you?", you mutter, taking a seat on a wooden bench. He sits beside you and stares forward. "Why did you run away?", he asks once again. "Why don't you just read my mind?". He turns and looks at you, his expression was serious. "You know that I can't read the entirety of your mind, its censored to me". You sigh and begin playing with the bandages on your hands once again. "I-I'm not used to getting so much attention. I'm usually the kid in the back that everyone ignores, no one should even know or care that I exist. I know that you don't like attention but you can deal with it, whenever I get to much attention I panic and run away". "And what about your bandages?", he asks, pointing to your hands. You hide them behind your back, heat rising to your cheeks. "Its nothing, just a small injury". He rolls his eyes. "You're a terrible liar, you know?". You look down at the ground, Saiki reached his out for your hand but stopped when the roof door slammed open. "Thank god we found you!", Kaidou exclaims. Saiki retracts his hand and it falls to his side. Nendou ran over to you and hugged you tightly. "We thought you had run away forever!", he says. You giggle and let him put you down. "I'm sorry for running off like that, I didn't mean to cause any harm and you guys didn't have to come and look for me". "Of course we did!", Kaidou yells. "We're friends, right?". You smile and nod. "Yeah, we are". The bell rings and we all head down the stairs and to our classroom.


The lessons were slow but I had fun. Kaidou kept passing me notes with stupid stuff written on them, making me laugh. In the end we got caught but Nendou happily took the blame. The bell rings for the end of the day and I get up from my seat, walking out of the classroom. I walk over to my locker and take out my stuff before leaving the school building. I was not far down the street then I heard someone say my name. "(Y/n)". You turn your head and see Saiki walking beside you. You jump in surprise and nearly crash into a pole. Saiki pulls you bu the arm away the pole and the two of you walk together. "You know you shouldn't scare me like that", you say, staring forward. Saiki nods. "I do apologize for frightening you". You turned your head to look up at him. He's looking straight ahead. He looks down and meets your gaze. "You know that you don't have to walk me home". He nods. "I know that, I just enjoy your company". He turned his head so he was once again facing forward. It was strange hearing a compliment coming from Saiki. He doesn't talk that much and never really praised anyone for anything. This is weird, what would Saiki enjoy hanging out with me?

Sorry, not very eventful but we are seeing the true colors of Teruhashi. I know that in the anime she is perfect but I like the idea that beneath it she is arrogant and spoilt brat used to getting everything that she wants. Anyway vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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