25. Protection

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You looked around, finding yourself in a dark room. You attempted to stand but were pulled back down by the chains the bound your hands and feet. You pulled forcefully at them, having no success in becoming free. "Hello!?", you call. Your voice bounced off the cold stone walls, echoing as if you were still calling out for help. "Anyone?!". You gasp at the sudden throbbing pain on the back of your head, you must've been hit very hard. Suddenly the door swings open, creaking loudly. The sound of footsteps can now be heard, tapping against the hard floor with every step. You look up to meet the eyes of Tamaki, the boy who made your life painful. He knelt down and chuckled darkly, grabbing your face roughly to force you to meet his gaze. "You haven't been following my rules, you promised that you would never leave me so I've taken control of the situation. Now no matter how much you may cry and scream no one will help you, I'm the only one here. And since you disobeyed me, it's time for your punishment". Your eyes widened in fear as he raised his fist to strike you. "No!".

"(Y/n) wake up". Your eyes snapped open, your body clinging to the person in front of you. You pull away slightly to be met with the uncovered eyes of Saiki. You blinked a couple of times before poking his cheek. "Why are you here?", you ask. He lets out a quiet sigh and runs his fingers through his messy hair. "Don't you remember? I teleported here late last night because my brother was staying in my room". The memory flashed through your mind, answering most of the questions you wished to ask him. "So what were you dreaming about? I tried to read your mind but it was blocked". You sigh and rest your head on his shoulder. "It was about the first time I woke up in the room Tamaki left me in. It's been so long yet I can remember it as if it happened yesterday". Saiki nods understandingly. "I get it but you should know that I'll protect you, I am a psychic after all". You smile lightly, feeling safe. You nod your head and rest your forehead against his shoulder. "You should get up now, I'll be heading home to get ready for school. I'll be back in an hour". You give him a quick peck on the lips before he disappears, leaving you feeling cold.

It didn't take long but you were eventually ready, wearing your uniform while watching anime to pass the time. Saiki appeared right in front of you, blocking your view. "We've got to go now", he says. You groan and push yourself up, leaning on him for support. He sighs and gives you a sideways glance. "Are you going to do this every morning?". You shake your head. "Of course not, only today". You rub your eyes only to have your wrist caught. You look up and meet Saiki's purple orbs, noticing the concerned glint in them. "Stop thinking about it, okay. Remember that I'm here to protect you". You smile gently at him, moving your hand to hold his. "Ok, I trust that you'll protect me". He nods and places a kiss on your cheek before teleporting you both out of you apartment. 


You and Saiki walked toward PK academy in comfortable silence but even though you two were quiet you seemed to attract a lot of attention. You look to Saiki, not seeing any emotion on his face. People were beginning to whisper, you two were holding hands after all. "You can let go if you want, people are starting to stare", you whisper. He just shrugs his shoulders. "I don't really care, at least now they know that you're mine". You blushed and turned your face away from him, earning an amused chuckle. It seemed to make you redder, Saiki isn't usually one to laugh but when he does it gives you a warm feeling in your stomach. "What are you thinking about? Your thoughts are blocked again". "N-nothing".

The two of you walked through the gates, gathering the attention of most of the students who had been hanging around out the front. "Do you think those two are going out?", one girl whispered. "I think she could do way better, why would she choose Saiki?", a boy says quietly. Suddenly Kaidou runs towards us, an excited smile on his face. "Hey! Guys...", he trails off, noticing your connected hands. "So are you two-". "Hey buddy! Why are you and (Y/n) holding hands?!", Nendou yells. You face flushes bright red. You go to say something but feel Saiki squeeze you hand gently. You close your mouth and turn your head towards the school building as the bell rings. Saiki leads you into the school, taking you to class. "It's best to just ignore them for now, first reactions will be the biggest". You reach your classrooms door and place your hand on it, taking a deep breath. "Are you ready?", he asks. You give a slow nod and slide the door open.

I wrote most of this yesterday but didn't have time to finish it, I'm just glad I managed to get it out. How do you reckon they'll react? I hope you enjoyed. Vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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