11. Obsessed

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You stood on the roof while the boy stood before you, bowing. "(Y/n) please accept my feelings", he begs. He's crying, so desperate for your love. "O-ok", you stutter. He looks up, a large smile on his face. It made you feel happy knowing that you were the reason he was smiling. "Thank you so much, you won't regret this!", he cheers, pulling you into a hug. You hesitantly hug back. I small smile gracing your lips, finally you won't have to be alone.

Flashback end

Your eyes fluttered open and you stared blankly up at the ceiling. You regretted that, saying yes to that boy. It was his fault that you were here in the first place, the reason why you had moved and transferred schools. It was all to get away from him, the boy who loved you with all of his heart. So much to the point where it was obsessive and you were trapped.


The boy leaned forward and gently kissed your cheeks as tears rolled down them. "You don't have to cry, next time just keep away from them", he whispered softly. You reached up and gently rubbed the cheek where he had hit you. "You know I don't want to hurt you but when you get so close to others it makes me feel hurt, you understand that right?". You slowly nod your head and stare blankly at the floor in front of you. "Now look at me and give me a kiss", he said firmly, as if giving an order. You nod once more and look up into his large green eyes. Then you leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on his lips. "Now I want you to say thank you". You swallowed the lump in your throat. "Thank you". His grip on your wrist tightened slightly, causing you to wince in pain. "Say it with my name". You nod and bite your lip. "T-thank you, Tamaki-kun", you whisper. He smiles brightly and releases your wrist, pulling you into a tight hug. "I love you, now say it back". "I-I love you Tamaki-kun".

Flashback end

I can't believe I didn't leave sooner, his strange behavior changed within a matter of months. On our first month of dating he was sweet and romantic, on the second month he was a little clingier but you didn't mind. On the third month he started to get overprotective, on the fourth he stopped all contact with others that weren't him, on the fifth he started to hurt you and on the sixth you tried to dump him. Emphasis on tried. He wouldn't let go, he couldn't. He loved you too much, he was obsessed.


Once again you stood before Tamaki. He was smiling, happy that he was able to spend some time with you. "What did you want to talk to me about, (Y/n)? Did you want to have lunch together or hang out after school?". He sounded excited, like a child on their way to a birthday party. "Uh no, I...". You struggled to get the words out, afraid of how he would respond. "What is it? Is something wrong?". "I think we should break up".

Silence was all that was heard. You didn't dare to look up at Tamaki, he was quite frightening when angry. "No", he whispered. You looked up and saw that his brown hair covered his eyes, tears dripped from his face. "No, you won't leave me!", he yells. He looks up, an insane glint in his eye. His eyes were wide and his mouth was in a large smile, one you might see on the face of a mental hospital patient. "I'm sorry Tamaki", you say taking a step back. He runs forward and grabs your wrist, pulling you to him. You tried to scream for help but he managed to slip his hand over your mouth. "We're going to be together forever (Y/n) and the only way out is if one of us dies. You can't leave me", he laughed maniacally in your ear. You kept struggling but it was no use, tears made their way down your face. You were terrified. You closed your eyes tightly and turned your face away from him. He chuckles and grabs your chin, forcing your face. He moves he hand off your mouth and replaces it with his own. Once he's finished abusing your mouth he puts his hand back and places a kiss on your forehead. "Don't worry (Y/n), we're going to be together forever and no one will be able to separate us", he whispers. Suddenly something hits you on the back of the head and everything goes black.

Flashback end

"(Y/n) wake up". Your eyes slowly open only to be met with the pink orbs of Saiki. "What happened?", you ask, sitting up slightly. He examines your face, watching the tears drip off it. "I came to see why you weren't at school today and found you crying in your sleep". Your eyes widen and you quickly wipe your face. "Did I say anything?", you ask quietly. Saiki nods. "Something about someone called Tamaki and you kept telling him to stop". Your eyes widen for a second before you hide your face. "And why weren't you at school today?". Just the thought of what happened made your eyes well with fresh tears. "T-Teruhashi", you whisper. Saiki then noticed the bandage on your cheek. "She did this?", he asks. You hesitantly nod, remembering the threats. Saiki's eyes widen slightly. "I can read your thoughts", he whispers. You nod and look away. You knew that you had something, a psychic power perhaps. Nothing too strong but there was definitely something there. He could read the thoughts you wanted him to but everything else was blocked.

Once Saiki had what he needed from your mind he stood up, having been sitting on the bed beforehand. "Come to school tomorrow", he orders, blankly. You shake your head. "I-I don't want to, I might just transfer schools again". He shakes his head. "No, I won't let Teruhashi hurt you, Ok". Your eyes widen slightly and your cheeks heat up. You look down at your hands, playing with the bandages again. "I-I don't know, Saiki". You look up and meet his gaze, he looks dead serious. You look away a second later, your cheeks red from his intense gaze. "F-fine". He nods and then suddenly disappears. You let out a long sigh and pull your blank over your head, you can't believe that that just happened.

Tamaki is a yandere who is obsessed with you if you didn't pick that up from the chapter X3. Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Also, I wanted to say thank you to you if you follow me, I now have 600 followers and it makes me really happy knowing there are so many people who enjoy my writing. Vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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