Hook man

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in Lori and  Taylors College Dorm Room, Lori was getting ready for a date, she was nervous since it was her first college date, this was a whole new world she wasn't living with her father who was the local preacher, so she was comming out of the religious bubble and she was finding a ballance with her beliefs and the world, the girls were trying on different outfits and hairstyles, Taylor was more of the crazy anything goes kind of girl willing to flaunt what she had and Lori was a good girl modest and upstanding, once Taylor had talked Lori into a halter top, she was ready to go and said her goodbye's and walked out the door with taylor leaving her with some last advice on her way out.

TAYLOR: Dont do anything I wouldnt do.

LORI: Theres nothing you wouldnt do.

(She leaves)

Taylor was then smiling to her self as she layed back on her bed ontinuing to thumb through her people Magazine. smiling to herself

TAYLOR: Thats true.

LORIs boyfriends car pulls up along Nine Mile Road and parks the car not noticing the tall figure with a hook for a hand Standing behind the trees.

LORI: I thought we were going to the party.

RICH: Well, we cant arrive on time.

Lorie started blushing figuring that things might be headed in a direction she wasn't sure she was ready for, but also couldn't deny that she was having a hard time resisting.

LORI: You know, if I didnt know any better, Id think you brought me here on purpose.

Rich feigning shock, turned and looked at her.

RICH: What? Im offended.

LORI: sarcastically, rolled her eyes and smiled.

LORI: Yeah, Im sure.

They smile and begin to kiss. LORIs cell phone rings and they reluctantly break away. The caller ID says Dad Calling".

RICH: You wanna get that?

LORI: Definitely not.

She shuts the ringer off. They resume kissing, and RICH put his hand under LORIs halter strap. She pulls away and moves his hand.

LORI: No, I'm not ready for that.

RICH: Its ok.

LORI looks uncomfortable and the situation is getting out of hand but still no one notied Outside,that the figure with the hook is moving slowly out from the trees towards the car. RICH was kissing LORIs neck again and continues to try and put his hand back under her strap, She becomes even more uncomfortable and pulls away.

LORI: Hey, I mean it.

They suddenly hear a loud screeching noise. Outside which startles them, the unknown man is dragging his hook along a Dead End sign.

Lori Started looking around nervously.

LORI: What was that?

RICH: I dont know.

They hear the same sound. The man is shown dragging his hook along a sign that says 9 Mile Road.

RICH: What is that?

He opens the car door, and gets out to take a look around in his head he's totally scared but he has to put up a front for Lori so she will feel protected.

LORI: No! Rich, no!

Lori tries to get him to stay because him going out there is freaking her out even more, she dosen't want to be left alone.

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