Road Kill

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On February 22nd 1992 Molly and David were are driving along what looked like a generic 2-lane blacktop highway at night. 'House of the Rising Sun' was playing on the radio softly in the background, Molly who was driving looked over at David and sighed in resignation.

Molly: "We're lost."

David folded the map he was reading in half trying to find where they were.

David: "No. This is a short cut..."

Molly rolled her eyes in exasperated fondness.

Molly: "Babe, it's just we've been on this road over an hour, and we haven't seen a single car."

David: "Molly, I know how to read a frickin' map, okay?"

He was starting to get a bit irritated at the nagging he perceived that he was getting from her.

Molly then suggested gently

Molly: "We passed a gas station a while back. Let's just go ask someone."

David huffed his irritation clear for her to read

David: "That was 40 minutes ago. We're not turning around."

Now it was Molly's turn to get exasperated.

Molly: "Come ON. Isn't this argument a little archaic? Men can ask directions these days."

David: "No, we can't. It's against our genetic code. Look, I know exactly where we are."

Molly turned an accusing eye on her husband.

Molly: "Oh, yeah? Where?"

David grimaced slightly he didn't want to be arguing with his wife while they were suppose to be on vacation.

David: "Highway 99, okay? It cuts right through..."

Just then they pass a sign that reads '41' that just glaring mocks at the lack of credibility on David's last statement.

Molly: "Highway 99, huh?"

She stated a bit tersely.

David shuffles in his seat a bit trying to relieve himself of a bit of embarrassment at being so blatantly wrong.

David: "Okay, so we, we're taking the scenic route."

Molly Groaned

Molly: "David. It's our anniversary, and we're spending it stuck in the car."

David: "I know. I'm sorry. Let me make it up to you, okay? Come here."

David leaned over, and started kissing at her neck playfully

Molly Chuckles at his antics

Molly: "Stop. I'm mad at you."

David smirked at her cracking wall of irritation.

David: "Oh, come on, Molly. Hey, you love me."

Molly smiled at him despite herself wanting to stay irritated at her husband.

Molly: "No, I don't. You're a jerk. David, I mean it."

she pushed him off of her, which caused her to take her eyes off the road just for a brief moment. just then a Man appeared in the road before them.

David was the first to see him and in his panic he yelled

David: "Molly!"

when she looked up and noticed the man standing in the middle of the road she screamed, in a reflex action she swerved to avoid the man causing her to run them and the car off the road the car was careening down the hillside breaking through the brush and saplings, the car then crashed into a tree causing Molly and David to be knocked out. Later on Molly wakes up she looked around, she was still disoriented a bit, but when she realized that she was alone in the car she looked around for her husband.

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