In My Time Of Dying (Season 2)

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(At the Crash site the only thing that was invading the silence of the night was the music that was blaring from the Radio of the 18 wheeler truck, "Bad Moon Rising" was still playing on the radio, The demon- that is possessing the truck-driver stepped out of his truck and walked over towards the wrecked impala first stopping to look at the Mangled body of Lydia Winchester she was lying unconscious on the road next he spied; John and Dean, both unconscious, then he looked towards Sam, who swallows, he was barely awake. The demon pulled the driver's side door off its hinges to reveal Sam pointing the Colt at him.)

Sam: "Back. Or I'll kill you, I swear to god."

Demon: "You won't. You're saving that bullet for someone else."

(Sam cocked the gun)

Sam: "You wanna bet?"

(It smiled; the black demon-ichor poured out of the man, who fell to the ground. Sam un-cocked the gun, he then dropped his head back in relief.

Man: "Oh my god! is that girl dead?"

Sam: "Oh god Lydia, Dad, Dean?"

Man: "Did I do this?"

Sam: "Dad! Dean? Dean!!"

(the Man scrambled over to Lydia and placed his fingers on her carotid artery to take her pulse it was very Weak she was still breathing but it was shallow he pulled out his phone from his back pocket and called emergency services; a while later a rescue helicopter descended to the site, and all four were being loaded onto stretchers. Lydia and Dean were still unconscious, Sam and John were awake.)

Paramedic Man: "Significant passenger side intrusion. adult Unresponsive. BP is 180 over 60, heartrate 95, 95. child open head trauma unresponsive BP 110 over 73 heart rate 62 significant blood loss possible brain swelling and an intercranial hematoma and spinal damage."

Sam: "Tell me if they're okay!"

Paramedic Woman: "You have to stay still!"

Sam: "Are they even alive?"

(At the Hospital In his room, Dean sat up, working his jaw, he climbed out of bed. He was wearing a white t-shirt, blue hospital pants, and nothing else they hadn't even given him those crappy hospital socks to keep his feet warm he scrubbed his hands up and down his face trying to get the sleepiness out of his head. He the walked into the hallway.)

Dean: "Sam, Dad, Lydia?.... Anybody?"

(Dean walked down the stairs to the front of the hospital to find the nurse's station so he could find out where his family is and see how his daughter was doing he was worried about her she had seriously expelled a ton of energy keeping yellow eyes at bay.)

Dean: "Excuse me. Hi. I, uh, I think me and my family were in a car accident, my dad, my brother, and my Daughter I just need to find them."

(The nurse was unresponsive she didn't even acknowledge that she had heard anything which was irritating him to high heaven.)

Dean: "Hello?"

(Dean snapped his fingers in front of her face trying to get anything out of her, he was not at all use to being ignored and he was very put out about it, figuring he was just going to have to hunt his family down Dean went back upstairs to the room he came out of, he was just about to start panicking. Spirit Dean looked back into his room and saw own body on the bed, intubated and dying.)

In Dean's Room his breath was coming faster and faster he was Still reeling from the shock of seeing his unconscious body, Dean turned, he was relieved to see Sam up and walking about. Sam stoped at the door and stared at his Dean's body, breathing heavily.)

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