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Dean: "Ok Lydia so I am going to grab you from behind I want you to do a dead weight drop until your feet hit the ground then when they do I want you to use that leverage and jump up using the momentum to jump up and use you head to hit under my chin and once I am down run away ok."

Lydia: "yes."

(Lydia planted her feet shoulder length apart, he wrapped his arms around her and lifted her up as if to carry her off she let her weight drop and once his grip loosed her feet hit the floor then she jumped and slammed her head into Dean" padded chin which threw his head backwards causing him to let go of her she then Ran.)

Dean: "that was Awesome Little Liddy."

(Dean and Lydia continued to work on her strength she did a hand stand while dean held her legs while she did five up and downs.)

Dean: "alright Liddy lets try for 6 today we've been working on this for a couple of weeks to build up your muscles."

(Lydia hummed in agreement, and did the up and down's 1,2,3,4,5.....6, after that he let her down so she could shake out her arm muscles he then began swinging at her and she ducked and blocked she then used her foot to kick the inside of his thigh then she ran away again.)

Dean: "Very good remember to keep moving and watch my body it's gonna tell you what I am going to do before I do it ok?"

Lydia: "Yes Daddy."

Dean: "Alright why don't you run around the track four times then we'll pick up Sammy from the Library then go for dinner."

Lydia: "ok."

(She grabbed her water bottle and began trotting off around the park building up to a steady rhythm.)

Mean while in Richardson, Texas. there were Three guys, one of them was holding a torch, and the girl was behind them walking along the muddy path.

GUY 1: "Come on man, is it much further? I'm cold."

GUY WITH TORCH: "It should be just up here.A deserted cabin comes into focus through the mist."

GIRL: "Whoa."

GUY WITH TORCH: "There we go."

GUY 2: "How'd you find this place anyway Craig?"

CRAIG: "My cousin told me about it."

GIRL: "I am so not going in there."

CRAIG: "Wuss'. We came all the way out here may as well check it out."

GUY 1: "Let's just hurry this up and get back to the car all right? It's friggin cold out here."

(CRAIG and GUY 1 moved ahead.)

(GUY 2 turned to the girl)

Guy 2: "You want me to hold your hand?"

Girl: "thinks about it then takes his hand."

GUY 2: "Are there ... any other parts I can hold?"

GIRL: "Eww!"

(She said hitting him)

Girl: "Shut up, you loser."

(GUY 2 started laughing Laughing)

Guy 2: "Come on! What?!"

(Inside. The flashlight shows weird symbols on the walls.)

CRAIG: "No way. Look at this stuff.....Come on. It's this way."

(They moved into the next room.)

CRAIG: "They say that it lives in the root cellar. It goes after girls. Always girls. It just, strings 'em up."

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