All hell breaks loose part two and it's good bye for now.

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It was daytime outside, meaning it had now been a full day since he and Bobby had rescued Sam and a full day down to the minute that he'd lost her, his little girl he'd finally put her message together, it had made him laugh bitterly to himself of course he thought incredulously to himself he'd been to focused on saving Sam to weed out the hidden message of course she hadn't lied to him she never would and couldn't but she was one hell of a sneaky wordsmith Sam had been awed at it the first time she'd told some one a non lie as he liked to refer to it he remembered it made him snort out in hilarity even though it was the worst time in the world to laugh, Bobby and Sam had found an abandoned building after leaving the ghost town they needed to fix up Sam's injuries and they had absolutely no clue as to where Jake had run off to with Lydia, she hadn't contacted him in the way she had the last time either so he didn't even know if she was alive, with that thought in mind his body sagged and he sat on the stool that was just in front of the table where Sam was sleeping, Dean looked at his brothers injured body he had taken a literal beating he had his shoulder dislocated and lots of scrapes and cuts but he hadn't woken up since he passed out in his arms, the door to the abandoned building opened and Bobby walked in Dean looked out of the corner of his eye, he silently walked in he paused to stare at Sam for a bit, once he shook off his thoughts he held out the bucket of chicken to Dean

Bobby: "Dean? Brought you this back."

Dean: "No, thanks. I'm fine."

Bobby: "You should eat something, you'll need your strength if we're going to find Lydia."

Dean: "I said I'm fine, I just need Sam to wake up."

Dean took another swig from a bottle of whiskey he'd been holding there were so many thoughts and feelings rushing through his head at the moment, he was Scared for Lydia, Angry that she'd let herself be taken, he felt like he guilt for not going after them and fighting with everything he had to get her back why hadn't he? why didn't he run after Jake and get his daughter back of course he knew that he hadn't because she would have stopped him she would always protect him even though it was his job as her father she'd always been fiercely loyal and protective of him.

BOBBY: "Dean... I hate to bring this up, I really do. But don't you think maybe it's time... we take Sam to the Hospital?"

Dean: "No."

Bobby: "We could (Sighs) maybe..."

DEAN: ( he said as calmly as he could manage at the moment, he felt like he was going to break any moment if Sam didn't wake up soon.) What? give up and leave, Not yet He'll wake up then we'll look for Lydia if she's still alive."

Bobby: "I want you to come with me, we'll bring Sam have him looked after at the house."

Dean: "I'm not going anywhere."

Now he was just being stubborn just for the Heck of it and possibly to get Bobby a bit angry at him so he could fight a bit he was itching to yell and throw around some punches, he wouldn't do that to Bobby but he really felt at the end of his tether, and he suspected that Bobby knew that and he was being kind and understanding and it was just making Dean more angry and sick with himself he didn't deserve Bobby's understanding words and Demeanor.

Bobby: "Dean, please she'll be alright He didn't kill her, he needs her for leverage he knows we'll come after her."

Dean: "Would you cut me some slack? ok, I'm barley hanging on and the only thing I can do now is take one step ahead of me and that's waiting for Sam to Wake up he might know something."

Bobby: "I just don't think you should be alone, that's all. I gotta admit, I could use your help, (then he Growled finally letting his irritation with Dean's attitude get to him) your not the only one that feels like they failed that little girl, Dammit Dean she saved all of us and she just let him take her."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2020 ⏰

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