Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things.

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Dean and Lydia had taken the next couple of days as a Daddy Daughter bonding time so Dean could get his head on strait, and so they could celebrate Lydia's birthday like they were suppose to and didn't get a chance to since they had gotten themselves caught up in Gordons revenge crap, they had hotdogs, chilly cheese fries, and milk shakes they went to a movie then sat in a ice cream shop that's when Dean broached the subject.

Dean: "So Kiddo what do you think made your power work?"

Lydia: "What do you mean?"

Dean: "Was it like just touching her and she obeyed you or was it like you had to want to make her obey you?"

Lydia: "Oh well when I touched her I wanted so badly to help her keep her beliefs, I didn't want her to feel like the only way she could survive was by killing people, and when I had a hold of her I could feel her will aligning to mine and all I had to do was tell her what I wanted from her, it was like that with the Shtriga, I wanted it to die so I guess it followed what I wanted to."

Dean looked at his Daughter speculatively

Dean: "and you just get exhausted from it right?"

Lydia: "yeah I don't think I give anything away other then the energy I use to use my what ever it's called, afterwards I just have to rest and Eat get the energy back."

Dean nodded in acceptance of her answer knowing that she had answered honestly, after they were done with their ice creams they headed back to the car and back to the hotel to meet Sam.

at the same time Later that night in a dorm house a young man named Neal, was coming back into the Dinning room with his arms loaded with things to eat putting them before a young woman who was weeping into her tissue

Neil: "Okay. We've got booze, we've got chocolate, and, wait for it... tortured emo rock. Guaranteed cure for any broken heart."

Angela: "You didn't have to do all this. I'm fine."

Neil: "Yeah, I can see that."

She takes his hand in both of hers.

Angela: "Thanks, Neil."

Neil: "Yeah."

There was a loud pounding at the door. They both looked around.

Neil: "Look..."

Angelia: "It's probably him."

Neil: "I'll take care of it."

He walked to the front door, and opened it. Matt was standing there.

Matt: "Where is she?"

Neil: "Let's just chill out and think about this for a second, okay?"

Matt: "I need to talk to her."

Neil: "Some other time."

Matt: "You get out of my face, Neil."

Matt shoved Neil he entered the house, Neil shut the door behind him They both walked into the kitchen only to find Angela gone. Angela was driving down the dark road, crying. while she was driving Her cell phone rang, and the display showed that "Matt was Calling". She picked up.

Angela: "Leave. Me. Alone."

Matt: "Angela, I'm sorry." (said while he was on phone)

Angela: "You're sorry? ( she laughs) You're sorry, oh, that's great."

Matt: "Angela, listen to me."

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