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Sam and Dean pulled up to an abandoned building and parked the Car they opened the trunk and Dean removes two tasers.

SAM: "What do you got those amped up to?"

DEAN: "A hundred thousand volts."

SAM: "Damn."

DEAN: "Yeah, I want this raw head extra frickin' crispy. And remember, you only get one shot with these things. So make it count.

Sam and Dean started moving down the basement stairs with their guns at the ready and flashlights shining forward. Hearing a noise, they move toward the cupboard in front of them.

(Dean whispers)

Dean: " On three. One. Two. Three."

(Dean swings open the door, a young boy and girl are crouched inside, covering their ears.)

(Sam Whispers)

Sam: "Is it still here?"

(The children nod)

(Dean spoke to the boy)

Dean: "Ok. Grab your sister's hand, come on, we gotta get you out of here. Let's go, let's go."

(They move towards the stairs.)

Dean: " Alright, go!"

(Sam starts to take the children upstairs, when a hand grabs his legs, which knocks him back down. The children scream and they take off running to the top of the stairs.)

DEAN: "Sam!"

(Dean shoots the taser but misses the Raw-head.)

Dean: "Sam, get 'em outta here!"

Sam: "Here take this!"

(He yelled throwing his taser to Dean, Sam runs up the stairs and moves the children out of sight. Moves around the basement on high alert, shining his torch into corners)

Dean: "Come on!"

(The Raw-head was a ragged, hairy creature. it leapt up and shoves Dean backwards. Dean lost his weapons and flashlight as he fell. He glanced around and spotted the Taser, he scrambled across puddles of water to grab it and releases it toward the creature as it moves toward him, electrocuting himself and the monster. through the water lying on the ground to Dean. They both shake and twitch, the creature falls, and Dean loses consciousness.

(Sam runs down the stairs and sees Dean in the corner, unmoving.)

SAM: "Dean!"

(He runs over and half lifts him, holding his face.)

SAM: "Dean, hey. Hey.".

He grabbed him and drug him up the stairs and out to the impala he Leaned Dean up on the side of the car and riffled through Dean's Jacket pockets and grabbed the keys and opened the back door and laid him down on the back seat, and the Kids hopped into the front seat and buckled in Sam started the car and drove all of them to the hospital he was scared things could change for him big time if Dean didn't pull through and he didn't want that to happen when they got to the Hospital he placed the kids with the nurses and followed the physicians that had dean on a gurney into the E.R. all the way assessing his vitals and questioning Sam about what happened once they got him stabilized the hospital had called the police to question him about the children and going through the process of contacting their Parents. SAM stands at the desk with a receptionist.

RECEPTIONIST: "Sir, I'm so sorry to ask. There doesn't seem to be any insurance on file."

SAM: "Right. Uh, ok."

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