Typical school

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"Ugh its Monday and I have to go to school. Do I really have to... its not like I belong."

"GET UP" my freind Mykah screams at me as I pull up my covers over my head.

"GET UP" my other friend Yvonne also yells at me while ripping the covers off me.

"Ok fine" I groan rolling out of bed staring through my foggy eyes. "Why was it a good idea for all us freinds to move in together?"

"Because we wanted to have the Freedom to be ourselves away from our parents control." Mykah says trying to be smart and takes my saying.

As I roll my eyes I get up from my fluffy bed and go to the bathroom. While in there the lights blind me as I feel around for the shower faucet. When I find it I get undressed and hop in the shower letting the warm water calm my nerves that are always on the fritz. I begin to open my eyes to reveal my blue shade. The water soaks my hair allowing me to wake up and get ready. After washing off and a quick look in the mirror I returned to my room to get dressed. Since I was to lazy to hang my clothes they were kinda scattered along my room. Yes they are scattered just because I'm a nerd doesn't mean I have to be a neat person. Anyway after finding a clean outfit in my computer chair I grabbed my green glasses and head out to meet with Yvonne and Mykah.

"Alright guys lets go" I manage to say still a bit tired.

"You take forever." Mykah says bouncing on the couch likes she's 7.

After grabbing my keys the two push me out the door and into the car. While starting the car Mykah throws my bag in the back with her.

"Ok you all ready." I say fastening my seat belt.

My two friends make a very loud yes as we pull out of the driveway. While driving I couldn't help but think about what my day would hold for me. It's probably going to hold the same thing it does every day. Mason and his stupid jock freinds busy firing hell on the school.... mostly me. While driving Yvonne and Mykah talk about their hair and makeup as most girls do. As we pull up to the schools parking lot they fall silent. A rare occasion that only happens when they see a cute guy. The cute guy they spotted was none other than Mason..... Mason Evans to be exact. The dumb jock that I am sworn enemies with.

"Your staring girls." I say hiding a smirk from showing.

"That's my future husband right there." Yvonne says looking at me waiting for a response. Instead of responding I look at her and pretend to grit my teeth.

"Oh calm down you know she hates him as much as you." Mykah says trying to ease the the fake tention.

Yvonne then slowly gets up in my face with pure hate in her eyes and as our noses touch she mutters a single sentence.

"I am starving."

As the bell time approaches we get out of the car and head to our lockers. Mine is with Yvonnes while Mykahs is on the other side of the hallway. After getting our books we walk through the hallway catching little pieces of pointless high school gossip. While walking I hear the schools loud roar and take a deep breath and walked to my first hour.... history..... which is a class I share with Yvonne, and mason.

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