Adrians downfall

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As we walk in everything stops. People stop dancing, everyone stops talking, the music stops and so does my heart. Everyone just stands there looking at us like peasants at a royal party. Suddenly I remember the glitter on my face and to them I am a peasant. I'm immediately embarrassed and want to walk away but I can't. Its now or never I have to put Adrian in his place. The people who were staring were starting to whisper to each other. What they are whispering is beyond me but I pretty sure its about my future fight with Adrian. Mason squeezes my hand to tell me he's got my back no matter what. That made me feel better but it was ruined a couple seconds later when Adrian appeared from the crowd of people. He stood in the middle of the room shaking his head In disapproval. He began to laugh and it made my blood boil. He thinks he's royalty. Its high school none of this will matter.... and that's exactly why I'm doing this what happens in high school means nothing when you get out but the way people treat you will always be the same.

"Hahaha oh you poor things having to come to the dance with a gay." Adrian says crossing his arms.

Mason and the girls begin to walk toward him till I put my arms in front of them and stop them. Mason looks at me in a pleading manor with sadness in his eyes.

"I'll be ok." I say as I motion for the girls to take him into the crowd.

Here we are me and Adrian. My new worst enemy. We stand there silent waiting for something or someone to disrupt the silence. "I refuse to let him win this time." I say to myself as the gym fills with regret.

"You know I thought maybe beating you up in the bathroom would have taken care of you.... but it didn't... so I tried to punch your boy and that still didn't work..... when will you learn that its time to give up."

"I will learn to give up when you learn how egotistical you are." I say trying to remain calm.

"Why hold on so long? You know that nobody hear likes you at this school." He laughing at his own comment.

"That may be true but what makes you think you have anymore freinds than me."

"I have a team behind me.... and you have girls."

"Listen to what you just said... you said you have a team behind you."

"Yeah so... what of it faggot."

"Isn't the Coachs first rule in any sport is to have the teams back at all times... and doesn't the Coach make you run if you don't..... what makes you think they are actually your freinds and not following coaches orders."

Adrian falls speechless as the team who was once in the crowd sides with me and gathers behind me.

"Well I'm stronger than you." He says lifting up a metal bench and setting it down. "Are you are just a weak link who wears glitter..... like a fairy boy."

"Yes its true I have glitter on but don't you dare tell me I'm not strong enough. I may not be physically strong but I'm just as strong as you mentally..... I mean do you honestly think this is one color of glitter."

The room was somewhat dim so the colors to peoples eyes kind of faded together. To prove my point to Adrian I grab my phone turn on the flashlight and point it at my face.

"Really.... that's your point you put glitter on.... as the gay flag... wow weaker than I thought." He says as I shut the flashlight off and put my phone away.

"You have it wrong... this world now days makes it impossible to be yourself without judgement. There are things wrong with everyone and people like you need to learn that we are all created equal no matter what gender or sexuality we are. People like you are the worse out of us because you don't see the world as a world you see it as your own play ground."

"Ha talk shit all you want but your boyfriend is one of us.... he was our friend."

"The key word there is was... I changed and realized that what we were doing is wrong. I changed to realize that pain solves nothing, I changed because I realized that people like carter are just as good as the kings and queens that lived long ago. I am not one of you anymore. I have become the person I've always wanted to be.... caring." Mason says putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Oh my god your one of them your a...."

"Say it again Adrian I dare you." I say as my fists tighten.


My blood boils as Adrian walks over to me and repeats the word over and over again in my ear. Each time the word was said it made me seath with anger. As he walked away I knew it was my time.

"Adrian." I called at him.

I ran up to him and as he turned around I punched him right in the jaw making him stumble back into a table.  
He runs at me with a fist that I catch and punch him In the gut. I knew him in face and after that I give him an upper cut which makes him fall to the ground.

"I am done with you and your lies.

I walk off with Mason and the girls to go sit down. We find a table in the back as the music starts playing again. Adrian slowly gets up and walks out of the gym angry and defeated.

"You did it." Mason says as he wraps me in a tight hug.

I put my arms around him and embrace his hug.... oh how I loved when he hugged me. After awhile I invite Mason to dance and he agrees the girls run off somewhere and dance as well. We all dance enjoying ourselves for once in our lives. Nothing could change this.... or so I thought.

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