Unlikely love

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Tonight was great. I beat Adrian at his own game and I danced with Mason all night. I've never felt better than I do now. I may not be the top dog at school but I sure made a difference. The dance ends and its time to leave. We all walk through the dark hallway, our footsteps echoing in the halls. The music had stopped and the streamers were cleaned up. As the door was opened cold air hit my face making me shiver.

"Tonight was a success." Yvonne says standing behind me.

"It sure was. My baby finally grew up." Mason says wiping a fake tear.

Instead of answering him I just roll my eyes and start giggling. Mason pulls me close and wraps an arm around my back as do the same to him. I lay my head on his shoulder before anything else was said.

"You guys are too cute." Yvonne says running in front of us with her phone.

After a second and a flash she took a picture of me and him. We part our ways and hop in our cars.

"I love you." Masons says as he pulls out.

"I love you too."

I start my car and pull out right after him. I watch as his car stays perfectly in line with the lane and never moves.

"You guys are so getting married." Yvonne says making me blush.


"Ok girls your crazy." I say while looking at the road.

This year has been very eventful. My life has completely changed in a matter of months. I dated my bully and I went on my first date. If that wasn't good enough I stood up to the worst enemy. I went from zero to hero in a matter of seconds and mason was there to help me every step of the way. I love him so much.... how could I not. We pull in to our driveway and I shut the engine off. We get out of the car and walk in the house. The girls sit on the couch as I go to my room to change. I open the door and sit on my bed. My room was a mess because of all the clothes that Mykah had thrown. I would clean it up but I really don't want to I am way to tired. I go to the bathroom and strip my clothes off and hop in the shower. I point my face toward the sprayer and rub till the glitter comes off. Little by little the bathtub floor is decorated with wet glitter that is getting swept into the drain. The warm water helped me relax and my muscles loosened. The bathroom filled with steam making it seem like a sauna. After showering I find clothes in the floor and put them on. I trudge to my bed that I then just fall on. I snuggle up to a pillow and think about what happened tonight. So many things could have gone wrong. I could have been killed or beaten. I could have lost mason. I could have lost. I could have known as the faggot. As I lay there I feel more and more comforted by the heat of my bed. This was a game changer for me I have confidence. The pillow was very soft so I snuggled it even more. The girls were In the kitchen making food. I forgot how loud they are. It gets really annoying. As I drift off to sleep I hear pots and pans hit the ground. I get up to help them and open my door. I walk down the hall to see the girls staring at pots in the floor.

"Really girls.... the floor."

"They fell out of the cabinet."

"Yeah by your hand...... anyway shouldn't you change."

The girls shook their heads no and sat at the counter. I put the pans back in cabinet and shut it. The girls are on their phones probably playing games and not paying attention to me. I hear a knock at the door so I leave the kitchen to open it. As I walk I begin to smile hoping its Mason. As I walk to the door I feel more and more energy come to my body. I pass the creak in my floor which makes me wince. As I grab the door knob I start to giggle until I realize who's at the door..... Adrian. We stand there in silence as I become speechless. The girls would soon suspect something so I went outside and closed the door.

"Why are you here? Didn't I beat you well enough"

"Hey carter." He says slightly disappointed.

"Adrian..... what's wrong?"

"It's Mason.... he's..... he's"

"He's what?" I say getting scared.

Adrian stood there silent looking at the ground. I walk towards him to see tears streaking down his face. His tears made me want to cry over the thought of what's wrong with Mason. I pay his back but he yanks away.

"What is it Adrian tell me."

"He's..... Dead." Adrian says his tears rolling off his face onto his clothes.

My hearted stopped. I hoped he was kidding but by the look in his eyes he wasn't. My world fell apart then and there. I went back to the little nerd... useless. Adrian looked at me looking for forgiveness. I walk over to him and quickly embrace him both of us crying.

"Whats going on here?" The girls say coming outside.

"Masons dead." I managed to choke out I fall to the ground.

Adrian decided to leave as the girls helped me inside. I sat on the couch with the girls my heart hurting so much. They asked if I wanted to talk but I couldn't. I walk to my room and slam shut the door. I snuggle up to the pillow again and sob into it. I soaked the pillow with tears.

I guess it's true nerds and jocks don't belong together..... my relationship was a flook

My story of this year was just as I expected.... it was unlikely love.


The End

Don't worry guys I have decided to make this a book series so there is a second one coming out.... it's called the unlikely truth.... it'll follow the same characters on graduation year.

Thanks for reading.

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