Hey beautiful

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I was so tired that I was already  asleep when the loud crack rang out. I didn't notice that Mason left until he was already gone. In an effort to find him I fling off the covers and stumble outside to see Masons staring at bright flashes of light that rattle the ground. I walk up and tap his shoulder through blurry eyes... looking worried. He pulls me into a tight hold and looks at the flashing.

"Thats lightning carter.... we need to get out of here... lightning hit the tree next to us." Masons says as he points to a tree with a crack in it.

I can see the esence of the tree before he realizes I don't have my glasses or contacts in. To help me around he picks me up and sets me in the car as he loads the stuff in. He grabs the coolers and and snacks and sets them in the back seat. He then throws the blankets in the front and takes apart the tent to set in the trunk. He then joined me in the car and handed me the blankets.

"S-sorry I can't help."

"Don't be... even if you could I want you in here.... to be safe." Mason says as he starts the car and quickly drives off.

I fought to stay awake but lost and passed out in a matter of minutes. I think he took sharp turns because my dream would be fine but then violently tilted sideways. Well I don't care what he says about this date it was perfect... sure it ended really soon but I spent it with him how could it be any better. The next thing I know I flutter open my eyes to see a white ceiling. I turn over to look at the time to see mason laying next to me.

"Hey beautiful." He says smiling at me.

"Hey boo." I say eyes still blurry.

"Oh here... after I dropped you off here to sleep I found your glasses in my lettermans jacket."

I grab the glasses and stick them on to see Mason clearly. A pleasant smile creeps on my lips as Mason moves closer. He scoots over so that he can wrap an arm around me and to help him I move over to him and snuggle my body against his burying my face in his shirt.

"Sorry for last night." He whispers in my ear and makes me blush.

"Mason you never have to be sorry for anything.... yes the date ended early but I spent what did happen with you.
Don't be sorry.... no buts. "I say looking at his disappointed eyes.

Ok... I just..... I just love you.... I want everything perfect. " he says looking at the ceiling.

"I love you too Mason." I whisper in his ear as I kiss his cheek.

We both didn't want to get up and why would we. Its still raining and we love to snuggle. Mason positioned himself to face me.... or more like stare.

"I don't want to get up."

"Neither do I." I say looking around the room. Are we in your room? "

"Yes I couldn't get to your house so I dropped you off here. Is that ok?"

"Mason I've never loved you more than I do right now." I say kissing him.

Mason smirked and pulled the blanket over both of us surrounding us in warmth. Mason wrapped his arms around me until I realized we have school.

"Mason.... we've got school..... we've got to get up."

With a huff from him he got up with and quickly got our clothes straightened up. We both exit the house and Mason opens the door for me as I sit in the seat. He closes the door and starts the car. He then backs out and drives down the road to school. The rain smacked the windshield making little patter sounds as Mason hits puddles of water. As we drive I get slightly uneasy because of last night... I felt helpless. Before I knew it we arrived at the school and the engine was shut off. We hop out and race each other to the door only to be stopped by Mykah and yvonne.

"Hey love birds." Yvonne says winking at me.

"Oh lord... you two are crazy." Mason says putting his arm around me.

As we stand there and talk I realize that I hear extremely slow footprints. I look behind us to see Adrian sneaking up to Mason. His fist was clenched and as he lifted it I pushed Mason into a nearby bush and stand in front of my friends only to be met with his fist.

"I was aiming for him.... but I guess any faggot deserves this fist..... maybe this time you'll be normal.... I punched the gay out."

As soon as Mason got out of the bush Adrian was gone. Mason helps me up as yvonne and Mykah ask if I'm ok.

"Why did you do that?" Mason asks holding me up.

"He's my enemy not yours.... you do not need to be drug into my problems..... problems that I'm going to fix."

"Oh please don't do that now.... because I've got a question."

"Yes mason"

"Will you go to the dance with me.... tonight?"

"Shit that's tonight..... yes Mason.... I would love to go to the dance with you... but beware I'm enabling my plan."

"Ok babe... I love you."

"I love you too."

The entire day after was filled with me asking questions on how I will get even with Adrian. I didn't pay attention to my teachers because this was more important. Things had to change it was time for him to see the errors of his ways. Why should I be hit and bullied because I'm gay. People.... especially him need to realize that all anyone wants is to be loved so why should that longing be questioned by others if that person who loves you back is male and female. If we're all created equal then why isn't being loved held up to the same standard.


"Yes carter."

"I know what I'm going to do."


Sorry about the end rant, one of my friends thought it would be a good ending. Sorry if I offended people it wasn't meant to be offending people it was to foreshadow why he was fighting for this.

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