The football game

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After school I rushed home with yvonne and Mykah to help me get ready. I sat on my bed while they rifled through my closet trying to find something they didn't hate. Clothes flew everywhere and eventually yvonne told Mykah to do that while she went to grab stuff. Mykah threw clothes every where as yvonne was still missing.... what could she possibly be doing? When she returned she had a full makeup bag that she then flung on my bed.

"No makeup yvonne I'm not that gay." I say as I slide over a bit.

"Calm down Carter, I'm not putting you in drag makeup... the lights are super bright down at the feild... they make everyone look shiny and besides you have visible pores... not that its bad almost everyone has them I'm just going to put on some makeup to make you less shiny and less pores... you won't look like drag."

"Ok fine" I say not totally believing her.

She then digs around and finds this powder stuff that she then dabs on my face. I kept my eyes closed so I have no idea what goes on after that. With closed eyes I feel a brush and then more powder but a different texture. As yvonne went on I could feel her faint breath on my eye lashes. After dabbing more on my nose she yells done. I then stand up to look at my now gorgeous face. Yvonne stood behind me hands folded waiting for approval.

"Wow yvonne..... I look.......... great." I say as she does her little victory dance. Hold on a minute guys "I say as I text Mason.

"Would I look good with platinum blonde hair." I text Mason as I color my hair on a picture blonde and send it to him.

"Yes absolutely... why, you gonna die your hair?"


"Go for it."

I then shut my phone off and go into my bathroom where I hid hair dye I've wanted to do this for so long. I then return to my room to show Mykah and yvonne what I planned to do. After they both agreed I disappeared to dye my hair.

4 hours later

I finally got all the dye in, waited and washed it out. After opening the door slowly for effect on my friends I reveal my new hair.

"Dayum.... you looking good." Yvonne says smiling.

"Why you gotta look so good all the time..... now put this on. Mykah says throwing a purple shirt and jeans at me.

After putting them on we began to drive to the football field where the whole school would be. The road was packed traffic slowed down our speed as we sat and waited. After an hour of waiting we finally made it to the field and parked meeting Mason at the entrance.

"Whoa.... carter... looking hot with the new look.... is that makeup."

"Yeah just to give me better looking skin."

"Your skin was perfect before but you still look adorable."

After greeting we all walked into the bleachers that where built into the stadium and sat half way up. We sat there and waited until the buzzer went off and the game started. We watched as the team fumbled and retrieved the balls they lost. Sometimes there would be a foul but not many. The air became a little breezy and cold before Mason gave me his jacket. It seemed perfect and in no time it was half time.

"I'll be right back." Mason says as he disappears down the bleachers.

"Before you girls ask... no I don't know where he's going." I say slightly confused.

After that the head cheerleader walks to the center of the field with a microphone. This has never happened before so it caught everyones attention.

"Heeeyy everyone I'm Courtney the head cheerleader and me and my team would like to thank you all for coming to this game and that there is a special performance lined up tonight.... which is now, actually so without further ado I give our very own.... Maaaason Evaaaans."

"Thank you... so as you now all know I am on a date.... and to show how much I care I've decided to sing.. in front of everyone... here goes nothing."

Knowing this my heart warms and I started to blush.... hard. The field went dark and a single light landed on him. The music started playing and I knew what it was immediately... unconditionally by Katy Perry...... I didn't expect for him to sound good but as soon as his mouth opened a low voice came out that suprised everyone.

"Oh no did I get to close oh? Did I almost see? Whats really on the inside."

Mason had a brilliant singing voice... one of an angel. I'm so glad he decided to do this. I think I'm falling for him a little more.

"Unconditional, unconditionally I will love unconditionally." Mason sings as more lights appear to show every sports team do a perfectly in sinc. Dance. "There is no fear now.... let go and just be free. I will love you unconditionally" Mason continues as he runs through the middle of the dancers to the front of the group and begin to dance with them.

"Awww this is so sweet, carter." Yvonne says as I lean forward a little more.

I listen to his singing which brings me more and more into a trance until I got a great Idea. I went up the bleachers and disappeared into the darkness and grabbed something. I waited until the chorus hit again and then I cut in before him.

"Unconditional, unconditionally I will love you unconditionally." I sang as a visible smile formed on his face.

With that we continued to sing, together.

"There is no fear now.... let go and just be free I will love you unconditionally." We sing as Mason jumps the small stadium wall and run up to me to finish the song. "So open up your heart and just let it begin, so open your heart and let it begin.... open up your heeeaaaart. Cause I will love you unconditionally....." after those last words the song ended and Mason kissed me. It took me by surprise and I fell into his kiss as he wrapped his arm around my waist. When he released me it fell silent and then out if nowhere thunderous applause and cheers were given to us as the started back up again. When the game ended people kept coming up to us and congratulating us on our singing and some said it needs to be our career... unlikely but flattering.

For me it wasn't just a date, it was the beginning of a happy life, not only did I fall more in love with Mason but I outed we left I stood on the side walk and yelled..... "I AM GAY AND PROUD AMERICA. "

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