Break aftermath

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"Where is he?" I thought a week after the break. I couldn't understand where he had went. I kinda miss punching him. Wait hold on, no I don't....Do I? No. I can't he's my enemy. Ok maybe yvonne knows where is.

"Hey yvonne..... where is Carter." I say sounding more desperate than I should.

"I don't know..... he disappeared." She says walking past me.

I was standing in the middle of the hallway when yvonne said he disappeared. I felt different as if something had broke. But what is? I didn't have time to think about it, I had to go to class. So here I am grabbing my book and going to class. When open the history room door I felt a little different something was wrong. While walking to my seat I looked to the front of the class expecting to to see his firey red hair. Still I saw nothing. After that I sat in my seat and looked down at my paper.I refused to look up and eventually I put my head down and fell asleep. While asleep the teacher continued class without waking me. During sleep I had a dream that I was walking through a dark hallway feeling empty. I knew what I had to find..... my heart. I continued to walk until it was in front of me, surrounded in red. I then started to reach for it and as I touched it I was ripped from sleep by yvonne. When waking up I was partly glad but didn't show it.

"What do you want looser..... how are you wake me." I say half tired and very low voice.

"Ok shut the hell up.... we need to talk.

"I don't want to talk to you, I hate you and your friends." I say becoming more angry.

"Listen you said something in your sleep..... we need to talk.... NOW."

"ok fine..... you wanna skip class and do it..... we could go for a drive."

"Ok that's fine."

We exit the classroom and sneak past the office. When opening the door I feel the warm air hit me and I feel the broken feeling again. As I walked to my car I felt a sudden wave of sadness that subsided when I sat down in my car.

"So...." yvonne says but I cut her off.

"Wait till we get to the place I need to talk at."

I drove down the road feeling the air conditioner hit my hair and I begin to relax. I took deep breaths so that I could ensure my calmness. Yvonne sat in the seat silent looking down as if she had something to say.

"Just a little longer." I say telling yvonne everything is ok.

About 20 minutes later we arrived. Yes, I was speeding. I drove yvonne to the secret cliff over looking the town  because that is the only place I feel where I'm heard. When I shut my car off we both hopped out and I led yvonne to the cliff. There we stood for what seemed like forever.

"Whoa, this is beautiful."

"I know.... I come here to think and vent." I say taking yet another deep breath. "Now what do we need to talk about."

"I know your secret." Yvonne says bluntly, staring into my soul.

I didn't even know I had a secret but yvonnes stare made me internally search for something but nothing came up.

"What secret?" I say still searching for a secret.

Yvonne just stared at me for awhile before digging in her pocket for a picture. After finding it my face heated up and the broken feeling was gone.

"Your blushing..... you said his name in your sleep."

My eyes widened, I couldn't believe that I did have a secret. The picture, broken feeling. I finally know why I feel like I do.

"Oh and Mason one more thing...."

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