Why me?

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Walking into my next class didn't seem like an option right now so I skipped. I went to my car, turned it on and sat there thinking about how much I hated carter. I hate how he sucks at insults and how he's so smart. The teacher doesn't think I try but the truth is I do I just can't seem to retain knowledge. To stop my mind from melting I forced myself out of my thoughts and drove off. I drove a little ways down the road before seeing a piece of paper under my wiper. After reaching my arm out of the window and grabbing the paper I read it.

The paper read "my house after school for tutoring" after those words were his address. I do hate him but he's got good hand writing.

After throwing the paper behind me I continued to drive to a little park out of town. I found the place when I ran away one time. I needed to clear  my head and when I stopped I was In the middle of the park and it was then and only then that my head was clear. anyway as I drove down the road I kept thinking of how much of a disappointment I am. In about an hour I was at the spot so I shut off my car and hopped out. The park is covered in bright green grass and had a little spot surrounded by trees that's on a cliff. When there my favorite thing to do is go to the cliff and look at the town. That's exactly what I did. I looked at the town and took a deep breath. Why do I have to be tutored? While looking the rays of sun hit the grass making it look like green fire. I needed to clear my head and its working...... I hope. After looking out from the cliff I turned around and walked through the grass. I didn't know what else to do so I paced around the park searching for an answer to a question I didn't have. After walking around I looked at my watch to realize the time. It was time for me to go and get tutored.


"Why are so angry.... you've been angry all day, now we are home and your still angry.... what's wrong?" Yvonne said trying to pry gossip from me.

"I've been asked to tutor Mason." I say trying not to punch the wall behind me.

"You agreed to that. Why?"

"The teacher didn't give me a choice. She said if I didn't she would fail me." I said looking down at the ground, ashamed that I had to do something with Mason.

"Well when does he need to be here."

Ding Dong

"Now" I say rolling my eyes.

"Mykah lets just..... get out of their way." Yvonne says as Mykah agrees and the girls run off to unknown places.

With extreme anger I got up a opened the door. As the warm air hit me I swallowed my anger. There standing in front of me was my sworn enemy.

"Can I come in." Mason says sounding already irritated.

"I guess.... why are you so rude." I say biting my tongue holding back more words.

"Lets not fight.... clearly I'll win but we hate each other so lets just get this over with." He says trying to cut a tention that's still there.

With an agreeing nod I gesture him In. Once he's in I shut the door and turn around to see him not there. I raise an eyebrow and look around. Where did he go?

"Mason" I call out looking for a tall tree.

I look around in each and every room only to find he's not there. When returning to the living room there he was looking at pictures of my friends.

"Where did you go?" I ask still with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh I.... I used the bathroom... is that ok." He says twiddling his fingers.

"Oh yeah sure.... that's fine."

After that I gestured him to my room and he sat on the bed. I only invited him in just so that the girls couldn't listen because we all know they were.

"Ok so lets get to history.... and get this over with." He says pulling out a book.

As I sit and grab my book I see that he is twiddling his fingers again. I begin to tell him about the war and other aspects of history. Half way through he took out his phone and started texting. After noticing and nudged him I finally give in.

"Ok hold on.... is there a reason you are texting." I say slightly irritated.

"What's the point.... I will never remember it.... I'm hopeless. He says freezing after hopeless. "Crap forget I said anything. "

"What no what do you mean? Your not hopeless."

"Yes I am"

"No, no your not."

"Yes I am..... why will you not get that through your mind."


a hand forcefully went across my face and when I looked up he was gone again.

"Why me? Why today?"

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