Why you?

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When I looked up he was gone. I could hear his footsteps out of the house hitting shelves in fear. Within a few seconds I heard the door close and then his car pull out of the drive way. My eyes began to water up from the pain so I tried my best to wipe the tears away. I then went to the bathroom to look at the mark Mason left. I then returned to my room to sit on my bed and think. Did I do something wrong? Was he aware I was trying to help?

"Heeyy" I hear the girls call out from the kitchen. "We're back."

"Hey." I managed to say afraid to speak.

The girls then walked down the hall into my room. Its only when I want privacy that they walk Into my room.

"You don't sound ok.... what wrong." Says yvonne.

I had my faced turned because I didn't want them to see. I didn't want them to make a big deal.

"I'm fine.... nothing is wrong." I say trying to get my friends out of my room.

"Lets try this again what's wrong."

I close my eyes and take a deep breath before turning my head and looking at yvonne.

"What happened? Was it Mason? Are you okay? Did...... did he hit you?" She asks putting her hand on my face making me wince.

"Guys.... listen its not Mason.... I was asking personal questions it's my fault."

"You were only trying to help.... he shouldn't have hit you."

"Listen guys..... its my fault.... I was getting nosy just leave me alone." I say shoving my friends out my room, slamming the door.

I then grabbed one of my pillows and laid on the floor. When down there I thought of what is did wrong.


He did nothing wrong, I just..... I just got scared. I didn't know what to do usually people agree with me, nobody ever tries to defend me. Yes, I liked having someone who cared but that's why I smacked him I'm supposed to hate him.

"Honey..... are you okay, you kinda ran up here in a hurry." My mom says slowly pushing open my door.

"Ya mom I just.... have you ever done something on accident that wasn't so good."

"Of course I have, what's this about."

"Mom I went to tutoring and I wasn't understanding it wasn't his fault but I told him to give up and he said he wouldn't, he was defending me. I got scared and smacked him." I say feeling slight guilt.

"I know.... that boy called and apologized, he was very sorry for getting in your business."

"Mom do you mind if I'm left alone for awhile."

"Sure I understand."

After leaving, my mom clicked the door shut and went into the Living room.

"He apologized, for trying to help..... can this kid get any nicer." I thought as I shoved my headphones in and took a deep breath.

When I opened my eyes it was morning. I must have fallen asleep. Ok I need to apologize to Carter. Make things right. I didn't bother looking in the mirror of changing. I just ran out the door and hopped in my car. I drove as fast as I could to school and pulled into the parking lot in time to see carter enter the school. I then shut off my car and hopped out. After almost slamming my door I began walking a little faster than normal.

"Hey dude."

"Not now Adrian."

I continued walking until Adrian cut me off as if he had any reason to he angry.

"No you listen now..... what's gotten in your head."

"If you must know I'm apologizing to Carter for smacking him." I say getting irritated

"Why apologize you hate him. remember?"

"He didn't deserve it he was trying to help." I say shoving the scoffing Adrian.

I then open the doors just to be surrounded by the smell of despair and regret...... and stinky feet. I searched everywhere for Carter only to find nothing. Its like he knew I was coming. I continued to look in every room and hallway only to be met with Yvonne? I hope that's her name. She then smacked me before talking.

"Come with me I know where Carter is..... he needs your help."

Yvonne then ran up and down the maze of lockers trying to find the bathroom Carter was in. Yvonne waited outside as I went in. When I looked I saw a sight I didn't want to see. I saw Carter on the floor bruised, bloody and crying.

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