Loves a powerful thing

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After the game I walked carter to his Car and went home. When home I sat on my bed thinking of how embarrassing that date was. I sat hoping that carter loved the date or if I just embarrassed him, then again he did sing with me. I was ripped from my thoughts when my phone dinged saying I had a message.

"Thanks Mason, I really enjoyed our date, you have a lovely singing voice. 😘"

My heart immediately lifted by his text. This nerd has no idea how much I love him right now. I really want to tell him but its to soon.

"Thanks, It was really embarrassing, but you sing very well your so cute when you sing."

After that I put my phone down and went to bed. Tomorrow was the weekend so I want to wake up early to possibly take carter somewhere. As I went to bed I laid there smiling at the complete joke I made out of myself. In our school people who do that are never cheered on and are always made fun of. The funny thing is people enjoyed and didn't even make fun of the fact I'm With Carter. While thinking I exhausted myself and went to sleep. The night had passed quickly and the clouds rolled in and it started to rain. When the morning came I shot my eyes open to the sound of light rain. The blinding sunlight was dimmed by the clouds that barely lit up my room. As I got muscle control back I grabbed my phone to text Carter.

"Hey cutie, Do you want to do something with me on this rainy day"

"Sure, what time."

"How about now I'll be at your house in a bit."

"Ok I'll go get ready."

After that I did my usual and rolled out bed. I trudged to the mirror to see that I didn't change from last night. I then went to my closet and rifled through the clothes to find my usual sports clothes... I mean I am a jock after all. I then took of my old clothes and stood in the mirror in nothing but boxers as I began to grab my clean clothes. My moms cooking down stairs fill my room with a smell and when I leave the house it'll smell like it. When changing I began to remember our date from last night and started humming the song I sang.
I then began slowly moving to the song that played in my head. This continued till I was fully jumping around the room dancing to a song no one else could here. I danced so long that I forgot what I was doing and hurried out the door and into my car.


What a great way to wake up. Mason just asked if I wanted to go somewhere.... of course I do. Ugh but first lets get out bed. I roll over to a table side mirror to see I never took off that light foundation yvonne put on me. Thankfully next to the mirror were makeup wipes. After sitting up and rubbing my eyes I grab the wipes to wipe off the makeup which I'm pretty sure is glued to me. I press and scape until finally its off but my whole face looks like a tomato. I don't have time to worry about that now. I roll out of bed to see my clothes still all over the floor. I can't believe I'm so lazy.... eh it'll be fine. Ok I've got to get ready. I quickly jump out of bed and grab a shirt that was laying on my head board. After changing I realized that I still had Masons jacket. Maybe he'll like the fact I wore it. Ok I have the clothes and jacket on.... now what.
I can hear Mason pull and my heart skips a beat. Without hesitation I run outside fully expecting him to wait in his car because of the rain. To my surprise he didn't wait he actually got out and begun to walk to my house. Instead of running past him I run right into his arms.

"Hello cutie." He says wearing a smirk.

"Hey handsome.... wait can this get wet?" I ask pointing to his jacket.

"It'll be fine... why are you wearing this?"

"I'll tell you in the car."

We both run to the car but of course Mason beats me and opens my door before sitting in the drivers seat. After closing both our doors Mason drives off onto the road.

"Ok so why are you wearing the jacket?"

"Because.... when I'm alone... and your not around I feel lost and this jacket smells like you.... that and its comfortable." I say as the car falls silent. "Hey Mason....... did you do it?"

"Did I do what?" Mason asks.

When I didn't respond he looked over and saw the fear in my eyes. To help figure things out with us he pull over.
I hesistated I didn't want to know that answer. I didn't want to hear that he beat Adrian.

"Angel are you okay?"

When he said angel I couldn't stop the tears anymore. They began to stream down my face. Masons eyes became filled with fear. I had to ask him.

"Did you beat adrian.... did you tell yvonne your fathers number.... did you leave."

"Oh... I didn't beat adrian... and yes to both."

"Why did you leave?" I ask even more tears coming out.

"I left because at the time I didn't realize how much I like you."

"Would you have left if Adrian was beat.... no... if yvonne was beat you wouldn't have left. Why was I the only exception."

"I can't explain."

"Of course never mind I'm done goodbye."

I opened the door and walked out and towards my house. How could he? I loved him... I still love him. The rain hid my tears and muffled my sobs why did I have to fall for him. While walking I stomp through a puddle soaking my pants. Could my day get any worse? The rain got harder and the jacket was soaked. I so wanted to throw it in a puddle but I couldn't. I continued walking into the rain until I heard pounding on the road behind me. They sounded of footsteps but I'm now standing still. The pounding got louder and louder until an arm grabbed me and spun me around. In the blink of an eye Mason kissed me and released.

"Here's the reason I left. I left because I love you. If I was to stay Adrian would have beaten you up even more and even worse he would have destroyed your life. I had to pretend I didn't care but it killed me you were hurt. Besides didn't you ever read the memo in your phone."

Within seconds I pulled out my phone and opened the memo.

"I'm sorry I left... I love you... you are the most important thing to me." I read to myself from my phone.

I looked up my heart filling with joy. Tears still in my eyes.

"I know you can't love because I'm a...."

I kissed him back with all I had..

"I love you too" I say giving him a tight hug.

After hugging me back he sweeps me off my feet and run me to his car. He sat me down and drove off to our unknown destination.

"So can I call you boo?" I ask blushing hiding my face in my sleeves.

"Oh my god of course you can sweetie."

Masons name for me made me blush even more. My entire face was tintws pink and I fell for Mason all over again.

"Where are we going?"

"Its a surprise."

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